[ Veljko Manojlovic @ 18.09.2005. 23:42 ] @
Trazim dobru knjigu o C#-u u kojoj je predstavljeno naprednije programiranje. Obimniju, sa dosta predstavljenih oblasti. Vidim da CET ima WROX-ovo izdanje "C# profesionalno programiranje". Sta kazete o toj knjizi?
Takodje, ima li neka bolja koja je dostupna na internetu (naravno na engleskom jeziku)?
[ Danko_C @ 19.09.2005. 00:33 ] @

Ako malo detaljnije pogledas na netu...

Ja sam uspeo da skinem sa neta (nazalost, link vise ne radi!!!) sledeci naslov:

"Professional C#" , 3rd Edition,
izdanje iz 2004g. (izdvac Wrox) -1200 strana.

Knjiga je prilicno OK...jedna od boljih.
Evo liste poglavlja.....Ne znam da li je to ono sto trazis?!

Chapter 1: .NET Architecture
Chapter 2: C# Basics
Chapter 3: Objects and Types
Chapter 4: Inheritance
Chapter 5: Operators and Casts
Chapter 6: Delegates and Events
Chapter 7: Memory Management and Pointers
Chapter 8: Strings and Regular Expressions
Chapter 9: Collections
Chapter 10: Reflection
Chapter 11: Errors and Exceptions
Chapter 12: Visual Studio .NET
Chapter 13: Assemblies
Chapter 14: .NET Security
Chapter 15: Threading
Chapter 16: Distributed Applications with .NET Remoting
Chapter 17: Localization
Chapter 18: Deployment
Chapter 19: Windows Forms
Chapter 20: Graphics with GDI+
Chapter 21: Data Access with .NET
Chapter 22: Viewing .NET Data
Chapter 23: Manipulating XML
Chapter 24: Working with Active Directory
Chapter 25: ASP.NET Pages
Chapter 26: Web Services
Chapter 27: User Controls and Custom Controls
Chapter 28: COM Interoperability
Chapter 29: Enterprise Services
Chapter 30: File and Registry Operations
Chapter 31: Accessing the Internet
Chapter 32: Windows Services

Appendix A: Principles of Object-Oriented Programming
Appendix B: C# for Visual Basic 6 Developers
Appendix C: C# for Java Developers
Appendix D: C# for C++ Developers


[ Dragi Tata @ 19.09.2005. 01:44 ] @
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