[ KOLE89 @ 21.09.2005. 14:39 ] @

Specific changes in Firefox 1.0.7

* Fix for a potential buffer overflow vulnerability when loading a hostname with all soft-hyphens
* Fix to prevent URLs passed from external programs from being parsed by the shell (Linux only)
* Fix to prevent a crash when loading a Proxy Auto-Config (PAC) script that uses an "eval" statement
* Fix to restore InstallTrigger.getVersion() for Extension authors
* Other stability and security fixes

[Ovu poruku je menjao KOLE89 dana 21.09.2005. u 15:40 GMT+1]
[ Deda_Mraz @ 21.09.2005. 18:08 ] @
Hmmm baš čudno FF mi ne prijavljuje novu verziju FF-a :(
Sve jedno upravo je skidam.