[ StratOS @ 16.10.2002. 14:35 ] @
Evo opet sam se malo pozabavio sa http://www.try2hack.nl/level1.html
Dosao sam do 9 levela, no za to je potebno sledece :

Level 8 completed !
Go to irc.quakenet.org and join #try2hack
There open a query to the bot 'TRY2HACK' and type 'perfect-start'

Otisao sam tamo i dobio ovo od bota :

Wbva #gel2unpx.yriry9. Gb trg gur xrl lbh arrq gb qrpbqr gur sbyybjvat yvar:
Tbbq yhpx, naq frr lbh ba #gel2unpx.yriry9.

Decoded :
join #try2hack.level9. to get the key you need to decode the following line:
good luck, and see you on #try2hack.level9.

Treba jos da dekodiram ovu srednji red, no mislim, da je nesto sa mime encodingom ? Ili ne, dal bar tko jos ovo pokusa ...

Ajde da vas vidimo
[ StratOS @ 16.10.2002. 20:22 ] @
ah dobio sam key
/j #try2hack.level9 Level9-myBB3DIux5L

<09:08pm> -LEVEL9-984- [#try2hack.level9] Welcome, I am try2hack Level9! Decode the following line to proceed:
<09:08pm> -TRY2HACK- [#try2hack.level9] I am the try2hack servicebot. I'm not part of the challenges so don't try to h4x0r me.
<09:08pm> -LEVEL9-984- [#try2hack.level9] 01001110....

no i ovo obicno binarno nije bilo tezko :

Nice job. Now type '/msg TRY2HACK showbug' to see the bug

<09:10pm> -TRY2HACK- ovaq pgpe - CVAT pgpe:cvatercyl-
<09:10pm> -TRY2HACK- cebp pgpe:cvatercyl {avpx hubfg unaq qrfg xrl net} {-
<09:10pm> -TRY2HACK- frg qhe [rkce [havkgvzr] - $net]
-<09:10pm> -TRY2HACK- chgfrei "ABGVPR $avpx :Lbhe cvat ercyl gbbx $qhe frpbaqf"}-

po opet ROT13 dobivamo :

bind ctcr - PING ctcr:pingreply proc ctcr:pingreply {nick uhost hand dest key arg} { set dur [expr [unixtime] - arg] putserv "NOTICE nick :Your ping reply took dur seconds"}

Bot ima +v, a mislim da treba ovaj bug pretvoriti u svoju korist.
Ali kako ?