[ TiXo @ 11.01.2006. 23:18 ] @
Mac binary: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/psi/Psi-0.10.dmg?download
Source tarball: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/psi/psi-0.10.tar.bz2?download
Windows binary (with installer): http://prdownloads.sourceforge...si-0.10-win-setup.exe?download
Windows binary (zipped): http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/psi/psi-win-0.10.zip?download
[ random @ 12.01.2006. 11:03 ] @
New in 0.10
- Psi will now sign out before Windows or Mac OS X machines go to ’sleep’
- The default text input line in the chat dialogs starts at one line tall, and grows as necessary.
- The Roster can now be automatically resized to fit all contacts.
- The Roster now has a menu bar available on Windows and Linux
- Chat windows can be collected together using tabs
- On Windows and Mac OS X, selected text may be automatically copied to the clipboard.
- Mac OS X builds now enjoy Growl(.info) support
- Photos are now available in the VCard dialog
- New default colour scheme
- Roster and chat dialog opacity is now configurable on Windows and Mac OS X
- The colour scheme is now slightly more configurable
- Assorted minor feature additions and bug fixes
- Number of unread messages is now visible in the dock on Mac OS X
- GPG passphrases are now cached during the entire Psi session
- ‘Authorization received’ messages can now be ignored
- Roster and chat windows can be made transparent

[ Stator @ 19.01.2006. 20:33 ] @
Evo za sve gentoo usere koje mrzi da cekaju da se pojavi u zvanicnom portage-u :)

Dakle skinite http://vivid.dat.pl/psi/psi-0.10-gentoo.tar.bz2
raspakujtega i prekopirajte tamo gde vam se nalaze portage fajlovi
zatim skinite sors Psi-a 0.10 npr odavde http://surfnet.dl.sourceforge....urceforge/psi/psi-0.10.tar.bz2 i kopirajtega u "distfiles" posle toga samo lupite emerge psi i uzivajte u vasem novom psi-u, upisanom u portage tree :)
[ random @ 23.01.2006. 10:59 ] @
Ne treba kopirati nezvanične ebuildove u glavno portage stablo, već koristiti portage overlay.

[Ovu poruku je menjao random dana 23.01.2006. u 12:00 GMT+1]