[ KOMITET @ 07.03.2006. 18:01 ] @
U pitanju je XP, i to je počelo da se dešava potpuno iznenada,
tj. ni mašina nije nova, niti je tek instaliran OS. Svakih 5 sec. se
pojavljuje XP baloon (sve sa onim "plop" zvukom) i prijavljuje da
ne prepoznaje USB Device. Kada sam pokušao da pristupim
Device Manageru nisam mogao, a OS mi je prijavljivao gršku sa
MFC42u.DLL-om. Našao sam pomenuti .dll na netu i instalirao ga.
Sada mogu da pristupim Device Manageru i u njemu postoji Unknown
Device ali šta god pokušao da mu uradim ne vredi. Problem i dalje
postoji. Pokušao sam i fizički da očistim USB kontakte na ploči, ni
to nije pomoglo, kao ni instalacija drajvera sa CDa ploče, niti instalacija
sveze skinutih drivera sa neta . . .Ploča je Epox ep-8rda pro.
Ovo postaje stvarno nepodnošljivo baloni su sve češći a zvuk počinje
da asocira na neispravnu slavinu!!!

[Ovu poruku je menjao KOMITET dana 09.03.2006. u 13:56 GMT+1]
[ JOJO847 @ 08.03.2006. 07:05 ] @
clean install windowsa
[ shams @ 08.03.2006. 11:42 ] @

A možda je fizički kvar na ploči ili usbu, mada sumnjam.
A jel ti radi neki usb. Probaj da odeš na sajt proizvođača ploče i potražiš svežije drajvere. BTW koja je ploča u pitnaju?

[ pctel @ 08.03.2006. 12:21 ] @
I ja sam dosao do tog zakljucka - desi se da otkaze napajanje USB-a pa stampaci, skeneri i slicni uredjaji sa sopstvenim napajanjem rade, a USB stick ne radi. Probaj neki drugi model.
[ Joseph B. @ 08.03.2006. 13:22 ] @
Meni se nesto slicno desavalo, i nije mi pomogao clean install. Ja sam resio tako sto sam ubacio PCI-USB kontroler i od tada nemam problema. Znaci, prvo clean install, pa posle hardware...
[ Sauron @ 19.06.2006. 16:13 ] @
I found a fix for USB devices not working, actually came from Microsoft technicians. Apparently there's a problem with the Intel USB chipsets going flakey

Step 1: Remove Hidden Devices

1. Open a Command Prompt.
2. Type "set DEVMGR_SHOW_DETAILS=1" (without quotation marks) and press Enter.
3. Type "set DEVMGR_SHOW_NONPRESENT_DEVICES=1" (without quotation marks) and Press Enter.
4. Type "start devmgmt.msc" (without quotation marks) and click press Enter.
5. Click View. Click Show hidden devices.
6. Click "+" to expand devices, Unknown devices and USB devices.
7. Are there any devices and unknown devices (including grayed out devices)? If so, please right click it and click Uninstall them.

Step 2: Remove all oem*.inf files


1. Click start and click run then under the run line type in the command "cmd" (without the quotation marks)

2. In the command line, type in the following (without the quotes) and press enter after each command:

"cd \windows\inf"
"ren infcache.1 *.old"
"ren oem*.inf *.old"
"del C:\windows\setupapi.log"

Step 3: Removing all entries under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Enum/USB that start with VID using REGEDIT.


Removing the VID entries from the registry will cause them to be redetected at restart.

CAUTION: If you have a USB keyboard, mouse, scanners, and other things you know are working, do not remove the VID entry for these devices, otherwise, Windows may not restart correctly.

1. Click Start and click Run. Type regedit and click OK. The Registry Editor window will open.

2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB.

3. Highlight and delete all the VID_.... entries for usb devices that you cannot identify. Remember not to delete the entries mentioned above.

You may not have permssion to delete keys, do the following.
Permissions may be set allowing the deletion of the VID_ entries by following the steps below:

a) Right-click the key to be deleted, and then click Permissions. The VID_... Permissions window will open.
b) With Everyone highlighted in the Group or User name section, select Full Control in the Permissions section.
c) Click Apply, and then click OK.

5. Restart your compuer.

Step 4: Reconnect the USB device that was not previously working. Windows should automatically rerinstall the drivers.
[ Zoran Rodic @ 20.06.2006. 07:42 ] @
Instaliraj sp2 bez obzira da li je postojeci XP sa ili bez sp2
Jednostavno ga pokreni opet i trebalo bi da resi stvar.
[ trlaja @ 13.12.2008. 12:18 ] @
Ma bravo Saurone,morao sam se vratiti da ti cestitam,covek je resio u par koraka problem. Kod mene sada radi!
[ Mihiz @ 13.12.2008. 17:49 ] @
I meni se to jednom desilo. Jurio sam odgovor na mnogim forumima i resenje je bilo:
Ugasiti racunar, izvuci strujni kabel iz uticnice u zidu na oko dva sata i ponovo ukljuciti racunar. Za divno cudo to je pomoglo iako mi je u prvi mah izgledalo besmisleno. Objasnjenje je bilo otprilike da je puno usb uredjaja ukljucivano na usb i da se on zaglupi.
I ja sam vec mislio da reinstaliram Windows jer nikako nisam mogao da osposobim stampac da radi i stalno mi je izbacivao tu gresku.

"Izgeleda sasavo ali mene ledja vise na bole"
[ gocias @ 05.02.2012. 13:58 ] @
Definitivno rjesava problem! Ukratko, izbiti napon i USB radi bez problema.
[ filip3ff @ 26.10.2017. 02:37 ] @
Sauron objasnio.Hvala.