[ Sauron @ 26.08.2001. 23:28 ] @
Imam jednu php skriptu za nekretnine i nece da mi se uploaduje ispravno slika.
Ucita samo par bajtova i prekine. Nisam jos probao na nekom serveru ali mislim da je problem do win2ooo i mysql-a.

Instalirao sam sada najnoviju verziju Mysql-a i isto je.

Zanima me da li se neko jos sretao sa ovakvim problemima?
[ Gojko Vujovic @ 27.08.2001. 09:25 ] @
Nisam se još sretao sa takvim problemom, ali ako daš ovde strukturu tabele u kojoj držiš slike kao i deo koda koji ih učitava, možda ćemo moći da debugujemo.
[ milost @ 27.08.2001. 16:24 ] @
Jesi li cuvao slike kao BLOB ili ne?

Ako si u tabeli cuvao samo imena slika, a onda iste povlacio sa diska, ne bi smeo da imas nikakvih problema...
[ Sauron @ 30.08.2001. 06:01 ] @
I slike trebaju da se ucitaju u bazu.
Neke slike se i ucitaju ali samo prvih stotinjak bajtova i tu se prekine...
[ emperor @ 04.09.2001. 11:38 ] @

u formi koja uplouduje slike da li si stavio da velicina fajla ima ogranicenje
ako si stavio pogledaj na koliko

mozda je zbog toga

[ mire @ 07.09.2001. 18:31 ] @
Iz perl DBI dokumentacije, nadam se da mozes da iskoristis isto i za PHP:

""LongReadLen"" (unsigned integer, inherited)
This attribute may be used to control the maximum
length of long fields ("blob", "memo", etc.) which the
driver will read from the database automatically when
it fetches each row of data. The "LongReadLen"
attribute only relates to fetching and reading long
values; it is not involved in inserting or updating

A value of 0 means not to automatically fetch any long
data. ("fetch" should return "undef" for long fields
when "LongReadLen" is 0.)

The default is typically 0 (zero) bytes but may vary
between drivers. Applications fetching long fields
should set this value to slightly larger than the
longest long field value to be fetched.

Some databases return some long types encoded as pairs
of hex digits. For these types, "LongReadLen" relates
to the underlying data length and not the doubled-up
length of the encoded string.

Changing the value of "LongReadLen" for a statement
handle after it has been "prepare"'d will typically
have no effect, so it's common to set "LongReadLen" on
the "$dbh" before calling "prepare".

Note that the value used here has a direct effect on
the memory used by the application, so don't be too

See the LongTruncOk entry elsewhere in this document
for more information on truncation behavior.

""LongTruncOk"" (boolean, inherited)
This attribute may be used to control the effect of
fetching a long field value which has been truncated

2001-03-30 perl v5.6.1 22

DBI(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation DBI(3)

(typically because it's longer than the value of the
"LongReadLen" attribute).

By default, "LongTruncOk" is false and so fetching a
long value that needs to be truncated will cause the
fetch to fail. (Applications should always be sure to
check for errors after a fetch loop in case an error,
such as a divide by zero or long field truncation,
caused the fetch to terminate prematurely.)

If a fetch fails due to a long field truncation when
"LongTruncOk" is false, many drivers will allow you to
continue fetching further rows.

See also the LongReadLen entry elsewhere in this docu�
[ Sauron @ 14.09.2001. 05:46 ] @
Rešio sam problem...

Kada sam preinstalirao php...proradilo je...
verovatno sam ja nešto prčkao po konfig. fajlu od PHP-a...
[ frenne @ 14.09.2001. 16:05 ] @
ma da .. menjao si php.ini
imash tamo MAX_FILE_SIZE da podesish