[ Mr_Q @ 21.01.2007. 07:57 ] @
Imam addon za away ovo mu je code

; ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
; Away system v0.20
; © 2004 by Burnout
; Remember - ripping is lame
; Visit www.disfunctional-studios.be & #]-ds-[ @ Quakenet
; ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

on 1:START: updcheck

on *:load:{
if ( %mailaddy == $null ) { set %mailaddy $input(Please enter your e-mail address,1,Emailadres set! ) }
if ( %awa_autoaway_time == $null ) { set %awa_autoaway_time 3600 }
if ( %install.time == $null ) { set %install.time $ctime }
if ( %awa_stats_totalawatime == $null ) { set %awa_stats_totalawatime 0 }
if ( %awa_stats_times == $null ) { set %awa_stats_times 0 }
if ( %awa_stats_timesauto == $null ) { set %awa_stats_timesauto 0 }
echo -a ו•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• ••• •• •• •• • •
echo -a Away system v0.20
echo -a © 2004 by Burnout
echo -a Visit www.disfunctional-studios.be & #]-ds-[ @ Quakenet
echo -a ו•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• ••• •• •• •• • •

on *:connect: .timer(autoaway) 0 1 awa_autoaway_check

menu menubar,channel,query,status {
Away system:awsystem

dialog away_system {
title "Away system"
size -1 -1 250 300
tab "System", 1, 5 5 240 250
tab "Custom", 43
tab "Setup", 2
tab "Credits", 3
text "Disfunctional-Studios © 2004", 4, 10 255 230 15, style center
button "Back", 5, 10 272 230 25, ok
text "Away message:", 6, 10 30 150 15, tab 1
edit "", 7, 10 45 230 20, tab 1
check "", 8, 10 68 15 15, tab 1
text "/me message on Away/Back (ON/OFF)", 9, 25 68 185 15, tab 1
check "", 10, 10 85 15 15, tab 1
text "Awaylogger (ON/OFF)", 11, 25 85 185 15, tab 1
box "Away modes", 12, 10 100 230 60, tab1
Button "Away", 13, 20 115 105 20, tab1
Button "Food", 14, 125 115 105 20, tab1
Button "BrB", 15, 20 135 105 20, tab1
Button "Asleep", 16, 125 135 105 20, tab1
box "Fast nickchange", 17, 10 165 230 80,tab1
Button "Busy", 18, 20 180 105 20, tab1
Button "Study", 19, 125 180 105 20, tab1
Button "Phone", 20, 20 200 105 20, tab1
Button "DivX", 21, 125 200 105 20, tab1
Button "War", 22, 20 220 105 20, tab1
Button "Offi", 23, 125 220 105 20, tab1
box "Setup", 44, 10 30 230 100, tab 2
button "Set Standard nick", 24, 25 50 95 20, tab 2
edit "", 25, 125 50 95 20, tab 2 read
button "Set away prefix", 26, 25 75 95 20, tab2
edit "", 27, 125 75 90 20, tab 2 read
button "Set separator", 28, 15 100 90 20, style right tab 2
edit "", 29, 110 100 20 20, tab 2 read
button "Sep. suffix", 52, 140 100 70 20, style right tab 2
edit "", 53, 215 100 20 20, tab 2 read
box "Auto-away", 45, 10 130 230 95, tab 2
check "", 46, 20 150 15 15, tab 2
text "Auto-away (ON/OFF)", 47, 35 150 200 20, tab 2
edit "", 48, 25 175 200 20, tab 2 read
button "Set auto-away time (minutes)", 49, 25 200 200 20, tab 2
check "", 50, 20 230 15 15, tab 2
text "Query script (by Fire) (ON/OFF)", 51, 35 230 200 20, tab 2
box "Custom away", 30, 10 37 230 70, tab 43
text "Away suffix:", 31, 33 55 90 20, style right tab 43
edit "", 32, 125 52 80 20, tab 43
button "Custom away", 33, 75 80 100 20, tab 43
box "Custom nickchange", 34, 10 110 230 70, tab 43
text "Nickchange suffix:", 35, 33 130 90 20, style right tab 43
edit "", 36, 125 127 80 20, tab 43
button "Custom nickchange", 37, 75 155 100 20, tab 43
button "Away Stats", 54, 75 205 100 20, tab 43
text "Away system v0.20", 38, 10 80 230 20, style center tab 3
text "Made by Burnout", 39, 11 105 230 20, style center tab 3
link "Website: http://www.disfunctional-studios.be", 40, 10 180 230 15, tab 3
link "Forum: http://forum.disfunctional-studios.be", 41, 12 195 230 15, tab 3
Icon 42, 25 215 203 24, minidsbanner.jpg, 0, tab 3

alias awsystem { dialog -dm away_system away_system }

on *:dialog:away_system:*:*:{
if ($devent == init) {
if ( %awa_standard_nick == $null ) { set %awa_standard_nick $mnick }
if ( %awa_prefix_nick == $null ) { awa_prefix_nick }
if ( %awa_separator == $null) { set %awa_separator ` }
if ( %awa_me_msg == 1 ) { did -c away_system 8 }
if ( %awa_logger == 1 ) { did -c away_system 10 }
if ( %awa_autoaway_onoff == 1 ) { did -c away_system 46 }
if ( %awa_queryscript == 1 ) { did -c away_system 50 }
did -o away_system 25 1 %awa_standard_nick
did -o away_system 29 1 %awa_separator
did -o away_system 53 1 %awa_separator_suffix
did -o away_system 27 1 %awa_prefix_nick
did -o away_system 32 1 %awa_custom_awa_suffix
did -o away_system 36 1 %awa_custom_nickchange_suffix
did -o away_system 48 1 Current auto-away time: $calc(%awa_autoaway_time / 60) minutes.
if ($devent == sclick) {
if ($did(away_system,8).state) {
set %awa_me_msg 1
else {
set %awa_me_msg 0
if ($did(away_system,10).state) {
set %awa_logger 1
else {
set %awa_logger 0
if ($did(away_system,46).state) {
set %awa_autoaway_onoff 1
else {
set %awa_autoaway_onoff 0
if ($did(away_system,50).state) {
set %awa_queryscript 1
else {
set %awa_queryscript 0
if ($did == 13) { set %awa_msg $did(away_system,7).text | aw }
if ($did == 5) { re }
if ($did == 14) { set %awa_msg $did(away_system,7).text | eten }
if ($did == 15) { set %awa_msg $did(away_system,7).text | brb }
if ($did == 18) { busy }
if ($did == 19) { study }
if ($did == 20) { foon }
if ($did == 21) { divx }
if ($did == 22) { war }
if ($did == 23) { offi }
if ($did == 16) { set %awa_msg $did(away_system,7).text | asleep }
if ($did == 24) { awa_standard_nick | did -o away_system 25 1 %awa_standard_nick }
if ($did == 26) { awa_prefix_nick | did -o away_system 27 1 %awa_prefix_nick }
if ($did == 28) { awa_separator | did -o away_system 29 1 %awa_separator }
if ($did == 33) {
set %awa_custom_awa_suffix $did(away_system,32).text
set %awa_msg $did(away_system,7).text
if ($did == 37) { set %awa_custom_nickchange_suffix $did(away_system,36).text | awa_custom_nickchange }
if ($did == 49) { awa_autoaway_settime | did -o away_system 48 1 Current auto-away time: $calc(%awa_autoaway_time / 60) minutes. }
if ($did == 52) { awa_separator_suffix | did -o away_system 53 1 %awa_separator_suffix }
if ($did == 40) { url -n http://www.disfunctional-studios.be/ }
if ($did == 41) { url -n http://forum.disfunctional-studios.be/ }
if ($did == 54) { dialog -dm awa_stats awa_stats }

dialog awa_stats {
title "Away Stats"
size -1 -1 205 150
text "Times away:", 1, 10 10 100 15, style right
text "", 4, 112 10 20 15
text "Times auto-away:", 2, 10 25 100 15, style right
text "", 5, 112 25 20 15, read
text "Average away time:", 3, 10 40 100 15, style right
text "", 6, 112 40 100 15
text "Total away time:", 7, 10 55 100 15, style right
text "", 8, 112 55 100 15
button "Reset stats", 9, 50 75 100 20
button "Show stats to chan", 10, 50 100 100 20
button "CLOSE", 11, 60 125 80 20

on *:dialog:awa_stats:*:*:{
if ($devent == init) {
if ( %awa_stats_times != $null ) { did -o awa_stats 4 1 %awa_stats_times }
if ( %awa_stats_timesauto != $null ) { did -o awa_stats 5 1 %awa_stats_timesauto }
did -o awa_stats 6 1 $duration($calc(%awa_stats_totalawatime / %awa_stats_times))
did -o awa_stats 8 1 $duration(%awa_stats_totalawatime)
if ($devent == sclick) {
if ($did == 9) { awa_stats_reset }
if ($did == 10) { awa_stats_show }
if ($did == 11) { dialog -x awa_stats }

alias -l aw {
nick %awa_prefix_nick $+ %awa_separator $+ AwAy $+ %awa_separator_suffix
if ( $away == $true ) {
set %awa_stats_totalawatime $calc(%awa_stats_totalawatime + $awaytime)
if ( %awa_msg == $null ) {
set %awa_msg I'm not here ==> away!
away %awa_msg
set %awa_start $ctime
if ( %awa_me_msg == 1 ) {
mee is away: %awa_msg
echo -a Marked as being away || Reason: %awa_msg (Away)
.timer(autoaway) off
dialog -x away_system

alias -l eten {
nick %awa_prefix_nick $+ %awa_separator $+ F00D $+ %awa_separator_suffix
if ( $away == $true ) {
set %awa_stats_totalawatime $calc(%awa_stats_totalawatime + $awaytime)
if ( %awa_msg == $null ) {
set %awa_msg I'm gone... eating!
away %awa_msg
set %awa_start $ctime
if ( %awa_me_msg == 1 ) {
mee is away: %awa_msg
echo -a Marked as being away || Reason: %awa_msg (food)
.timer(autoaway) off
dialog -x away_system

alias -l brb {
nick %awa_prefix_nick $+ %awa_separator $+ BrB $+ %awa_separator_suffix
if ( $away == $true ) {
set %awa_stats_totalawatime $calc(%awa_stats_totalawatime + $awaytime)
if ( %awa_msg == $null ) {
set %awa_msg Be Right Back!
away %awa_msg
set %awa_start $ctime
if ( %awa_me_msg == 1 ) {
mee is away: %awa_msg
echo -a Marked as being away || Reason: %awa_msg (BrB)
.timer(autoaway) off
dialog -x away_system

alias -l asleep {
nick %awa_prefix_nick $+ %awa_separator $+ zZz $+ %awa_separator_suffix
if ( $away == $true ) {
set %awa_stats_totalawatime $calc(%awa_stats_totalawatime + $awaytime)
if ( %awa_msg == $null ) {
set %awa_msg I am asleep... zzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz...!
away %awa_msg
set %awa_start $ctime
if ( %awa_me_msg == 1 ) {
mee is away: %awa_msg
echo -a Marked as being away || Reason: %awa_msg (asleep)
.timer(autoaway) off
dialog -x away_system

alias -l busy {
nick %awa_prefix_nick $+ %awa_separator $+ Busy $+ %awa_separator_suffix
if ($away == $true) {
unset %awa_msg
.timer(autoaway) 0 1 awa_autoaway_check
dialog -x away_system

alias -l study {
nick %awa_prefix_nick $+ %awa_separator $+ Study $+ %awa_separator_suffix
if ($away == $true) {
unset %awa_msg
.timer(autoaway) 0 1 awa_autoaway_check
dialog -x away_system

alias -l offi {
nick %awa_prefix_nick $+ %awa_separator $+ Offi $+ %awa_separator_suffix
if ($away == $true) {
unset %awa_msg
.timer(autoaway) 0 1 awa_autoaway_check
dialog -x away_system

alias -l divx {
nick %awa_prefix_nick $+ %awa_separator $+ DivX $+ %awa_separator_suffix
if ($away == $true) {
unset %awa_msg
.timer(autoaway) 0 1 awa_autoaway_check
dialog -x away_system

alias -l foon {
nick %awa_prefix_nick $+ %awa_separator $+ phone $+ %awa_separator_suffix
if ($away == $true) {
unset %awa_msg
.timer(autoaway) 0 1 awa_autoaway_check
dialog -x away_system

alias -l war {
nick %awa_prefix_nick $+ %awa_separator $+ WaR $+ %awa_separator_suffix
if ($away == $true) {
unset %awa_msg
.timer(autoaway) 0 1 awa_autoaway_check
dialog -x away_system

alias re {
if ( %awa_standard_nick == $me ) { echo -a You are not away!!! }
nick %awa_standard_nick
set %awa_awaytime $duration($calc($ctime - %awa_start))
if ( $away == $true ) {
if ( %awa_me_msg == 1 ) {
mee is BACK after %awa_awaytime from: %awa_msg
if (%awa_stats_autoawa == 1) {
inc %awa_stats_timesauto
unset %awa_stats_autoawa
inc %awa_stats_times
set %awa_stats_totalawatime $calc(%awa_stats_totalawatime + $awaytime)
.timer(autoaway) 0 1 awa_autoaway_check
echo -a Marked as being BACK after %awa_awaytime !
unset %awa_awaytime
unset %awa_msg

alias -l awa_standard_nick {
%awa_standard_nick = $input(Give a nickname (leave blank for default nick):,1,Nickname set! )
if ( !%awa_standard_nick ) { %awa_standard_nick = $mnick }

alias -l awa_prefix_nick {
%awa_prefix_nick = $input(Give the away prefix (leave blank for default nick):,1,Away prefix set! )
if ( !%awa_prefix_nick ) { %awa_prefix_nick = $mnick }

alias -l awa_separator {
%awa_separator = $input(Give a separator: (leave blank for default separator):,1,Separator set!)
if ( !%awa_separator ) { set %awa_separator ` }

alias -l awa_separator_suffix {
%awa_separator_suffix = $input(Give the suffix of the separator: (leave blank for no suffix separator):,1,Separator suffix set!)
if (!%awa_separator_suffix) { set %awa_separator_suffix }

alias -l awa_custom_awa {
nick %awa_prefix_nick $+ %awa_separator $+ %awa_custom_awa_suffix $+ %awa_separator_suffix
if ( %awa_msg != $null ) {
away %awa_msg
else {
set %awa_msg Ik ben er niet! ( %awa_custom_awa_suffix )
away %awa_msg
set %awa_start $ctime
if ( %awa_me_msg == 1 ) {
mee is away: %awa_msg
echo -a Marked as being away || Reason: %awa_msg ( %awa_custom_awa_suffix )
dialog -x away_system

alias -l awa_custom_nickchange {
nick %awa_prefix_nick $+ %awa_separator $+ %awa_custom_nickchange_suffix $+ %awa_separator_suffix
if ($away == $true) {
dialog -x away_system

alias awa_autoaway_check {
if ( %awa_autoaway_onoff == 1) {
if ( $idle >= %awa_autoaway_time ) {
nick %awa_prefix_nick $+ %awa_separator $+ AwAy $+ %awa_separator_suffix
set %awa_msg Auto away after $duration(%awa_autoaway_time)
away %awa_msg
set %awa_start $ctime
set %awa_stats_autoawa 1
if ( %awa_me_msg == 1 ) {
mee auto away after $duration(%awa_autoaway_time)
echo -a Marked as being away || Reason: %awa_msg
.timer(autoaway) off

alias -l awa_autoaway_settime {
%awa_autoaway_time = $calc( $input(Give the auto-away time in minutes:,1,Auto-away set!) * 60 )
if ( !%awa_autoaway_time ) { set %awa_autoaway_timer 0 }


on *:TEXT:*:#:{
IF ($me isin $1- || %awa_standard_nick isin $1-) {
IF (%awa_logger == 1) && ($away == $true) {
if ($window(@Away.log) == $null) {
window -l @Away.log 200 200 630 200 Arial 12
aline -c15 @Away.log :: $+ $time $+ :: $+ $chan $+ :: < $+ $nick $+ > $1-

alias -l shortdur {
if ($prop == nosec) { return $replace($duration($1-,2),wks,w,wk,w,days,d,day,d,hrs,h,hr,h,mins,m,min,m,secs,s,sec,s) }
else { return $replace($duration($1-),wks,w,wk,w,days,d,day,d,hrs,h,hr,h,mins,m,min,m,secs,s,sec,s) }

alias -l awaytime { return $+($remove($shortdur($calc($ctime - %away.set. [ $+ [ $cid ] ] )).nosec,$chr(32))) }
on *:open:?:*:{
if ( %awa_queryscript == 1 ) {
inc %querynumber
if (!$istok(-psybnc o l q f,$nick,32)) {
if (!$away) { msg $nick 11::: I am not away. My idle time: 8( $+ $shortdur($idle) $+ 8). Please wait a few minutes or write me a mail to: 8( $+  $+ %mailaddy $+  $+ 8). Thank you. 11::: }
else { msg $nick 11::: I am away, reason: 8( $+ $awaymsg $+ 8) $+ . Since: 8( $+ $duration($awaytime) $+ 8). Your message will be logged. You can write me a mail to: 8( $+  $+ $iif(%mailaddy,%mailaddy,$emailaddr) $+  $+ 8). 11::: }
msg $nick 11::: Active Queries: 8( $+ $query(0) $+ 8) $+ . Queries since $asctime(%install.time,dd.mm.yyyy) $+ : 8( $+ %querynumber $+ 8) $+ . Queries per day 8( $+ $round($calc(%querynumber /(($ctime -%install.time)/86400)),1) $+ 8) 11:::

alias -l mee {
if ($isid) { return }
.!describe $active $1-
if (!$show) { return }
set -u1 %:echo echo $color(action) -ati2
set -nu1 %::text $1- | set -u1 %::target $active | set -u1 %::nick $me
set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port
set -nu1 %::pre 12•11•0
set -nu1 %::c1 11 | set -nu1 %::c2 12 | set -nu1 %::c3 00 | set -nu1 %::c4 02
if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext ( $+ %::text $+ ) }
if ($active ischan) {
set -u1 %::chan $active
if ($nick($active, $me).pnick != $me) { set -u1 %::cmode $left($ifmatch, 1) }
set -u1 %::cnick $nick($active, $me).color
%:echo * $+ %::cmode $+ %::me %::text $+ %:comments
unset %:echo %::parentext %::target %::nick %::chan %::cnick %::cmode %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::text

ctcp 1:version:*:{ .ctcpreply $nick  :: Using Away System v0.20 (by Burnout) :: Powered by Disfunctional-studios :: http://www.disfunctional-studios.be ::  }

alias -l updcheck { sockopen updcheck disfunctional-studios.be 80 }

on *:sockopen:updcheck:{
sockwrite -n $sockname GET /projects/away_system/versioncheck.html HTTP/1.1
sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.disfunctional-studios.be
sockwrite -n $sockname User-agent: mIRC/ $+ $version
sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
set %gogo 1

on *:sockread:updcheck:{
if ($sockerr > 0) { return }
var %tmp | sockread %tmp
if (Latest version isin %tmp ) { set %tmpver $matchtok(%tmp,v,2,32) | set %ver $deltok(%tmpver,0,118) }
if (%ver <= 0.20 && %gogo == 1) {
echo -a Away System (Disfunctional-Studios.be) VERSION CHECK: v $+ %ver OK!
unset %gogo
elseif (%ver > 0.20 && %gogo == 1) {
echo -a Away System (Disfunctional-Studios.be) VERSION CHECK: You are using an old version, v $+ %ver available!
unset %gogo
unset %tmpver
unset %ver

alias -l awa_stats_reset {
dialog -x awa_stats
set %awa_stats_totalawatime 0
set %awa_stats_times 0
set %awa_stats_timesauto 0
dialog -dm awa_stats awa_stats

alias -l awa_stats_show {
mee AWAY STATS: -- Times away: %awa_stats_times -- Times auto-away: %awa_stats_timesauto -- Total away time: $duration(%awa_stats_totalawatime) -- Average away time: $duration($calc(%awa_stats_totalawatime / %awa_stats_times)) --

on 1:EXIT: {
if (%awa == 1) {
unset %awa_msg

.timer(autoaway) off

E sad ocu da ga prevedem cisto radi sebe da imam i da ubacim vreme odsutnosti tj. pocetak kad sam odsutan i koliko sam vremena bioo odstudan. Ljudi koji su dobre volje neka mi pomognu

Hvala unapred