[ techtris @ 30.01.2007. 15:15 ] @
What is new since the Messenger 8.0 (in case you didn't use the Beta)?

Roaming Identity - Your display name follows you any place you sign into. Now your display picture and personal message will follow you too. If you would prefer they stayed in place you can turn this off (Tools->Options->General -> Sign In -> "Use the same display picture....")

Contact Card - The contact card has gotten a updated look. Instead of a flip it does a slide to toggle between the Spaces and Contact information. Also no more squinting at an icon and trying to figure out what it means the actions on the card are now listed out plain and simple.

Emoticons, Winks, Backgrounds, Display Pictures - The menus have gotten an updated look. They include a recently used list and easy access to featured content so you can get new emoticons, winks, background and display pictures to use. hint: typcially in the featured section the first 4 are free.

SMS Phone Book - You now have a quick way to send SMS to a phone number or add phone numbers for your contacts. Just click the cell phone icon in them main window for a good time.

New Contact Emotion - In 8.0 all our icons got an update but we forgot a very important one. The contact emoticon. Type (M) to send it.

Status Menu includes Sign Out - We noticed people look in the status menu to sign out and so ta-da now you can sign out from the status menu.

Report abuse - Here is something you will hopefully never need to use, but it is there just in case in the help menus.

Vista Presentation Mode - When you are in Presentation Mode on Vista Messenger will change your status to busy so you can avoid the embarrassing situation of everyone reading your IMs! Don't worry if you want to show Messenger in your presentation you can turn this off (Tools->Options-> Personal-> My Status -> Show me as "Busy"...).

Behind the scenes changes - This release also includes changes to the "guts" of some of the features. The goal is for these changes to improve your experience. Please let us know if that is not the case.

Personal Invitation - When you add a new contact you can add a message so they know who you are. Especially helpful if your email address is something like ILoveMessenger(at)emaildomain.com - since there are so many of us out there.

ili za direktan pristup strani sa srpskom verzijom
Microsoft sajt
[ Ciprijani @ 31.01.2007. 18:40 ] @
Sad cu to skinuti da probam..
[ vadamp @ 31.01.2007. 21:27 ] @
Bolje odradjen od MSN-a ali meni pravi problem, nece da se uloguje a i kada se to desi onda je problem shto ne shalje sve poruke koje poshaljem, tj. ljudi ne dobijaju poruke... Zato sam i vratio na MSN, iako je Windows Messenger bolji jer je kompatibilan i sa Yahoo! Messenger-om. Ipak izashla i je verzija 8.1 final, do sada je bila Beta, medjutim ni Final ne radi kako treba. Da li je do provajdera ili neke druge gluposti, pitaj Boga...
[ techtris @ 03.02.2007. 23:53 ] @
Proveri firewall, i on može da pravi ovakve probleme. Jedno vreme, dok sam isprobavao Comodo firewall MSN poruke nisu bile dostavljane nekim korisnicima. I dok messenger nisam stavio na listu aplikacija sa neograničenim pristupom nisam uspevao da rešim problem. Nije loše da pokušaš da uradiš čistu instalaciju, i potpuno očistiš tragove starog MSN Messengera (iz Application Data).

Meni WLM sada radi odlično i vrlo stabilno.
[ vadamp @ 06.02.2007. 23:03 ] @
znachi nema teoretske shanse da nateram wlm da radi kako treba (ista stvar i sa msn 7.5)... obrisao bukvalno sve shto sam pronashao na kompu a da u sebi ima rec "msn" i iz registra obrisao sve moguce, i opet ne radi. WLM nece da se uloguje, a i kad se to desi ljudi ne primaju poruke a on mi opet vraca i moju sliku i username i sve iako nema nikakvih tragova na kompu. Da li postoji sansa da instaliram WLM a da se on ponasha kao da je prvi put instaliran??? Ne znam, odustacu na kraju, previshe me nervira. Probao sam i sa otvaranjem novog accounta ali opet nece da se uloguje. Izgleda da mi je jedino rehsenje Format C: .....
[ techtris @ 07.02.2007. 09:43 ] @
Da li ti normalno radi msn preko web messengera, ili nekog drugog klijenta (Miranda, Trillian....)?
[ vadamp @ 07.02.2007. 20:28 ] @
Slabo se ja razumem u te instant messaging poslove... Pa normalno se ulogujem na sajt i sve je ok koliko se meni chini, chak i kad proverim svoj connection status preko messengera on pokaze da je sa konekcijom sve u redu... Ma nebitno, ionako cu ga uskoro ugasiti zauvek... Sad nek radi kako radi, boli me uvo vishe...
[ Alexsis @ 03.09.2008. 22:05 ] @
A kako da dodam vise smajlija odjednom? Mislim nesto kao na opciju import i sl. ?
[ aristid @ 30.05.2009. 12:36 ] @
Molim Vas za pomoc,naime imam problem sa messingerom na yahoo,na mejl mogu da udjem i na mejlu imam instan chat,medjutim kada pokusam da udjem odvojeno na msn,nece da mi prihvati sifru???kako je to moguce,da li mozda jer sam probala da instaliran drugu verziju ili vec da ga samo osvezim od tada imam problem da udjem na msn yahoo,ali sa mejlom nemam nikakav problem i mogu cetovati odande ali ne podrzava nista drugo...mislim kamericu......
Unapred hvala svima koji nesto znaju o ovome.