[ Dragoslav Krunić @ 07.09.2001. 23:43 ] @
Prenosim vam deo sa http://www.kuro5hin.org/print/2001/3/27/4230/45854

Why would anyone notice such an esoteric anniversary? Because our computers have

kept track of it for us. Thompson and Ritchie's first Unix systems measured time from the start of 1969. This "Unix epoch" was later moved to January 1,

1970 at midnight UTC. Today every Unix computer in the world has an internal

clock that counts seconds since the epoch. On September 9, 2001 at 01:46:40

UTC, that clock will strike 1,000,000,000.
Hackers around the world will

count down and cheer as the first gigasecond ends and the second gigasecond


[Ovu poruku je menjao Ixqq dana 09-07-2001 u 11:43 PM GMT]