[ MAD-MAX @ 10.09.2001. 23:16 ] @
Kao sto su mi neki odavde predlozili da upload-ujem neke knjige koje imam na kompjuteru ja sam ih poslusao i sledece knjige mozete skinuti na www.geocities.com/kompjuterskeknjige :

C++ annonations
A Programmer's Introduction to C#
C Network Programming
C++ in 21days
Guide to C++
Intro assembler
Thinking in C++ 2nd-ed-Vol-one
Thinking in C++ 2nd-ed-Vol-two
Thinking in Java-1st-edition
Thinking in Java-2nd-edition
Visual C++ 5

Ove thinking in... jos nisam upload-ovao ali bice.
[ CONFIQ @ 13.09.2001. 15:49 ] @
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