[ bacvanin @ 09.05.2007. 14:30 ] @
Da li može u outlooku da se podesi da se mailovi koje pošaljem prebace u folder koji zadam, ali ne kao kopija, nego da se izbriše iz sent items?
[ Jpeca @ 09.05.2007. 15:20 ] @
Da ne prepričavam evo odgovora u originalu (techtarget.com):

Outlook 2003 does not contain a built-in rule to move sent messages rather than copy them. However, here is a work-around that may meet the needs of some users.

In Microsoft Outlook, go to Tools -> Options -> Email Options.

Deselect the checkbox next to "Save Copies of Messages in Sent Items Folder," click OK and then exit the dialog windows.

Create a rule to check messages after sending. Configure the rule such that it will copy messages sent to specific people or lists into a folder that you specify.
This may not be the ideal situation because it is more global in nature than a Microsoft Outlook rule that would conveniently apply only to specific users. In addition, you will only have a record of sent messages for those that meet the criteria of the rule, since your Microsoft Outlook client will no longer keep a copy of messages in Sent Items.

Until Microsoft decides to expand its rule set for Sent Items, we are somewhat limited in what we can do.