[ aldabic @ 21.08.2008. 13:38 ] @
Kako da napravim konekciju sa Oracle baze na SQL server bazu?

Npr. da mogu iz sql navigatora ili toad-a, da uradim select * from tabela_sa_sql_servera;

Kreira se db link? Koristi se ODBC?
Sta, kako?

[ brzak @ 21.08.2008. 13:50 ] @
Izgleda oba. Evo prvo sto mi je vratio Google:

Here is an article I wrote on Hetergeneous Services. In order to connect to SQL*Server from Oracle, you must do several things:

1. Install ODBC drivers for the SQL*Server database. The drivers are installed on your laptop or on the server that contains the Oracle code tree.
2. Setup the ODBC connection on your laptop using the Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator 3. Test the ODBC drivers to ensure that connectivity is made to the non-Oracle database.
4. Ensure the Global_names parameter is set to False in the Oracle database.
5. Configure the Hetergeneous services. This consists of creating an initodbc.ora file within the Oracle Oracle database installation.
7. Modify the Listener.ora file on the database installation to connect to the Oracle instance and ODBC drivers.
8. Modify the Tnsnames.ora file to point to the proper code tree.
9. Reload the listener
10. Create a database link on the Oracle installation.
11. Run a Select statement for the Oracle installation using the database link.

Good luck.

John Palinski

P.S. Kako ide sa bar kodom?
[ aldabic @ 21.08.2008. 14:14 ] @
Svaka cast na brzom odgovoru!

Iz reporta stampamo bez problema, problem nam je .rtf dokument. Ja nisam direktno zaduzen za taj deo, moja koleginica se bavi time..
Ne znam kako bi poslao sliku (bar kod) u .rtf dokument..
