[ BoraAdmin @ 19.11.2003. 13:22 ] @
Znaci imam cisco 7204 sa sledecom configuracijom

cisco7200#show running-config
Building configuration...

Current configuration:
version 12.1
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
hostname cisco7200
enable secret 5 $1$/QKH$HqyIqeaGVc9W8vYu2BLPi1
ip subnet-zero
cns event-service server
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address
interface FastEthernet3/0
no ip address
interface FastEthernet3/1
no ip address
interface Ethernet3/2
no ip address
interface Ethernet3/3
no ip address
interface Ethernet3/4
no ip address
interface Ethernet3/5
no ip address
interface Ethernet3/6
no ip address
interface Ethernet3/7
no ip address
interface Ethernet3/8
no ip address
interface Ethernet3/9
no ip address
interface Ethernet3/10
no ip address
interface Ethernet3/11
no ip address
interface Ethernet3/12
no ip address
interface Ethernet3/13
no ip address
ip classless
ip route FastEthernet0/0
no ip http server
line con 0
transport input none
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
password cisco

Problem je sto nemogu da dodelim IP adresu nijednom od preostala dva FastEthernet porta (3/0 i 3/1).Evo sta dobijam kao odgovor kada to pokusam

cisco7200(config)#interface fastEthernet 3/0
cisco7200(config-if)#ip add
cisco7200(config-if)#ip address ?
A.B.C.D IP address
dhcp IP Address negotiated via DHCP

cisco7200(config-if)#ip address ?
A.B.C.D IP subnet mask

cisco7200(config-if)#ip address ?
secondary Make this IP address a secondary address

cisco7200(config-if)#ip address

% IP addresses may not be configured on L2 links.

Neko mi je spominjao da preba da kreiram prvo neke bridge grupe pa da onda uclanim portove u njih ali nisam siguran da sam razumeo kako to da uradim.Molim vas ko moze da mi konkretno pomogne neka se javi na ovu temu.Iskreno se svima zahvaljujem na pomoci.
[ markom @ 19.11.2003. 13:51 ] @
Koji ti je Port Adapter u 3. slotu (gore-levo, ako se ne varam)?

Sudeći po broju interfejsa, pretpostavljam da je u pitanju neki od onih switching adaptera.

Ukoliko sam u pravu, onda ko god da ti je rekao za bridge grupe je bio u pravu.

Moraš da uključiš na ruteru integrated Routing and Bridging (bridge irb) i da svaki interfejs dodelis u odgovarajuću bridge grupu. Kad to uradiš, podesiš virtuelni bridge interfejs za svaku grupu (interface bvi N) i njemu dodeljuješ IP adresu.

Naravno, pre toga probaj "no switchport" na samom interfejsu, ali to zavisi od modula koji je unutra. PA-12E/2FE ne podržava to.


[Ovu poruku je menjao mdm dana 19.11.2003. u 14:56 GMT]
[ Gojko Vujovic @ 19.11.2003. 13:51 ] @
Nisam siguran da ovo važi i za 72xx, ali možeš da probaš pa javi da li radi pošto trenutno nemam gde da testiram.

Kaži mu "no switchport" na interfejsu i onda probaj da dodeliš ip adresu.

Druga opcija je preko vlanova ali ovako je lakše za početak.
[ BoraAdmin @ 19.11.2003. 14:05 ] @
Momci hvala sto ste pokusali da mi pomognete ali nisam uspeo nista da uradim.Evo listinga

cisco7200(config)#interface fas
cisco7200(config)#interface fastEthernet 3/0
cisco7200(config-if)#no switchport
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

cisco7200(config-if)#no ?
access-expression Build a bridge boolean access expression
apollo Apollo interface subcommands
arp Set arp type (arpa, probe, snap) or timeout
backup Modify backup parameters
bandwidth Set bandwidth informational parameter
bgp-policy Apply policy propogated by bgp community string
bridge-group Transparent bridging interface parameters
carrier-delay Specify delay for interface transitions
cdp CDP interface subcommands
clns CLNS interface subcommands
custom-queue-list Assign a custom queue list to an interface
cut-through Select cut through mode
decnet Interface DECnet config commands
delay Specify interface throughput delay
description Interface specific description
dlsw DLSw interface subcommands
dspu Down Stream PU
fair-queue Enable Fair Queuing on an Interface
fallback-pool Use auxiliary pool when private pool is exhausted
fras DLC Switch Interface Command
full-duplex Configure full-duplex operational mode
h323-gateway Configure H323 Gateway
half-duplex Configure half-duplex and related commands
hold-queue Set hold queue depth
ip Interface Internet Protocol config commands
isis IS-IS commands
iso-igrp ISO-IGRP interface subcommands
keepalive Enable keepalive
lan-name LAN Name command
lat LAT commands
llc2 LLC2 Interface Subcommands
load-interval Specify interval for load calculation for an
locaddr-priority Assign a priority group
logging Configure logging for interface
loopback Configure internal loopback on an interface
mac-address Manually set interface MAC address
max-reserved-bandwidth Maximum Reservable Bandwidth on an Interface
mls mls router sub/interface commands
mop DEC MOP server commands
mpls Configure MPLS interface parameters
mpoa MPOA interface configuration commands
mtu Set the interface Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)
netbios Use a defined NETBIOS access list or enable
ntp Configure NTP
pppoe enable pppoe
priority-group Assign a priority group to an interface
priority-group Assign a priority group to an interface
rate-limit Rate Limit
rmon Configure Remote Monitoring on an interface
sap-priority Assign a priority group
service-policy Configure QoS Service Policy
shutdown Shutdown the selected interface
smrp Simple Multicast Routing Protocol interface
sna SNA pu configuration
snapshot Configure snapshot support on the interface
snmp Modify SNMP interface parameters
standby Interface HSRP configuration commands
tag-switching Tag Switching interface configuration commands
tarp TARP interface subcommands
timeout Define timeout values for this interface
traffic-shape Enable Traffic Shaping on an Interface or
transmit-interface Assign a transmit interface to a receive-only
tx-ring-limit Configure PA level transmit ring limit
vines VINES interface subcommands
xns XNS interface subcommands

Kao sto vidite na nivou konfigurisanja interface-a nije uopste podrzana naredba no switchport.Hvala u svakom slucaju.
[ markom @ 19.11.2003. 14:06 ] @

bridge 1 proto ieee
bridge irb

interface FastEthernet3/0
 bridge-group 1

interface bvi1
 ip address

bridge 1 route ip

Ovo je iz glave, ali probaj.

[ markom @ 19.11.2003. 14:08 ] @
Kao sto vidite na nivou konfigurisanja interface-a nije uopste podrzana naredba no switchport.Hvala u svakom slucaju.

Eh, ma da. To je komanda sa kojom se uključuje rutiranje na 3550 switchevima. Očigledno da ne radi sa ruterima. Ja sam se ispravio kad sam poslao poruku - pročitaj ponovo moj odgovor.

[ BoraAdmin @ 19.11.2003. 14:27 ] @

cisco se buni na prvu naredbu iz tvog coda jer ne prepoznaje reci proto ieee kao sto vidis

cisco7200(config)#bridge 1 ?
acquire Dynamically learn new, unconfigured stations
address Block or forward a particular Ethernet address
aging-time Set forwarding entry aging time
bitswap-layer3-addresses Bitswap embedded layer 3 MAC adddresses
bridge Specify a protocol to be bridged in this bridge
circuit-group Circuit-group
domain Establish multiple bridging domains
forward-time Set forwarding delay time
hello-time Set interval between HELLOs
lat-service-filtering Perform LAT service filtering
max-age Maximum allowed message age of received Hello BPDUs
priority Set bridge priority
protocol Specify spanning tree protocol
route Specify a protocol to be routed in this bridge
subscriber-policy Subscriber group bridging

Hvala ti u svakom slucaju.

[ markom @ 19.11.2003. 15:54 ] @
Trebalo bi da radi pošto je "proto" skraćeno od "protocol", što se nalazi dole u spisku sa tvog helpa.

Koja se tačno greška javlja? To je korisnija informacija od spiska pristupačnih komandi - njega mogu i sam da vidim.

Ne bi bilo loše da pošalješ kao attachment ovde "show tech-support" sa tog rutera. Čisto da znam tačno o čemu se radi tamo. Takođe... Tačna greška kad otkucaš one komande...

[ BoraAdmin @ 20.11.2003. 07:31 ] @
izvini sto tek sada odgovaram na tvoju poruku ali nisam fizicki bio pored rutera. Spisak mogucih komandi ne odredjenim nivoima konfiguracionog rezima sam stavljao u poruke zato sto nisam znao da i ti mozes da ih vidis jer sam mislio da mi odgovore dajes iz "glave", odnosno da nemas ruter ispred sebe. Hvala ti sto se trudis da mi pomognes. Na zalost svratio sam u firmu samo da procitam mail i odmah odlazim na neki kurs tako da necu stici da isprobam tvoje resenje u toku dana.C im budem bio ponovo pored rutera odmah cu probati tvoj predlog i odgovoriti ti. Hvala ti jos jednom.
