[ Catch 22 @ 17.02.2009. 02:12 ] @
If you've always wanted to become a programmer so you could be the next Google or Microsoft, then you have to learn a language. Starting at the beginning is a necessity and, oh look... Microsoft has provided "Basic" for your education. How nice of them!

Microsoft Small Basic is a project that is aimed at making computer programming accessible to beginners. The project comprises a simple programming language that gathers inspiration from the original BASIC programming language; a modern and attractive programming environment; and rich, extensible libraries. Together they make programming fun for kids and adults alike.

Download from Microsoft.com
[ risp73 @ 05.03.2009. 20:25 ] @
Radi li ovo nekome?

Skinuo sam ga sa MS sajta,
instalisao Framework3.5,
instalisao SmallBasic.

Odmah po pokretanju pada uz ono odvratno pitanje "Da li da grešku prijavim MS-u ?"
[ stefanpn @ 06.03.2009. 04:14 ] @
Meni se to desilo na jednom kompu, ali na drugom radi extra. U pitanju je verzija 0.3.1, verovatno ce situacija biti bolja kad se stvar malo razvije. U svakom slucaju, lepa inicijativa...
[ risp73 @ 10.03.2009. 21:26 ] @
Proradio :-)