[ Tudfa @ 24.05.2009. 18:03 ] @
Da li moze nekako da sa html_select_date imena meseci budu na srpskom ?
[ Tudfa @ 24.05.2009. 22:56 ] @
Našao sam ovde neko rešenje, uz pomoć funkcije setlocale mada mi se nije svidelo zbog ovoga (deo iz manuala):
The locale information is maintained per process, not per thread. If you are running PHP on a multithreaded server api like IIS or Apache on Windows you may experience sudden changes of locale settings while a script is running although the script itself never called setlocale() itself. This happens due to other scripts running in different threads of the same process at the same time changing the processwide locale using setlocale().

pa sam upotrebio {foreach}{/foreach} , da ne komplikujem bzvz.