[ Ivan Dimkovic @ 15.07.2009. 10:28 ] @
Evo ga novi Fail in the Making:



BlackBerry update bursting with spyware

An update pushed out to BlackBerry users on the Etisalat network in the United Arab Emirates appears to contain remotely-triggered spyware that allows the interception of messages and emails, as well as crippling battery life.

Sent out as a WAP Push message, the update installs a Java file that one curious customer decided to take a closer look at, only to discover an application intended to intercept both email and text messages, sending a copy to an Etisalat server without the user being aware of anything beyond a slightly excessive battery drain.

The update is labelled: "Etisalat network upgrade for BlackBerry service. Please download to ensure continuous service quality." The signed JAR file, when opened, reveals an application housed in a directory named "/com/ss8/interceptor/app", which conforms to the Java standard for application trees to be named the reverse of the author's URL. ("Interceptor" isn't the subtlest name for spyware, though.)

Spyware aplikacija je izgleda potpisana validnim kljucem koji pripada operatoru.

Eto sta se desava kada ljudi koriste "pametne telefone" - Ericsson 628 tesko da moze da se apdejtuje spywareom :-)

Blackberry inace trenutno brise sve poruke na ovu temu na njihovim forumima - sto ce, naravno, izazvati Barbra Streisand efekat (kao i uvek ;-) - ali na glupost mid-level menadzerskih droida se uvek moze racunati :-)
[ Ivan Dimkovic @ 15.07.2009. 10:57 ] @
Jos zanimljivosti - softver za prisluskivanje je ocigledno pravila firma zvana SS8

Evo nekih informacija o SS8 firmi :)



Derek G. Roga

Sr. Vice President, Business Development

Derek joined SS8 in January of 2009 as part of the acquisition of OCI Mobile. As founder and owner of OCI Mobile Derek successfully developed technology for smart phone interception. In 2005 Derek began developing the Middle East region to introduce the BlackBerry solution; he was the founder and CEO of EMS Mobile which became RIM’s Strategic Channel Partner for the region. Previous positions within the wireless and mobility industry include; founder and CEO of Wall Street Communications which started in 1998 to specifically launch the product that has now taken the world by storm – BlackBerry. Wall Street Communications which then merged with Outercurve Technologies in 2000 became RIM’s most successful and prolific partner.. Derek was the Chief Operating Officer and then went on to become the Chief Executive Officer of Outercurve Technologies. Derek started his career with what is now Morgan Stanley and holds a Bachelor of Science in Management from Saint Francis University.
[ mulaz @ 15.07.2009. 11:23 ] @
Zanimljiv tekst, ali cudi me, sta je toliko teze sa blackberryjima, da ne bi (bar) sms-i mogli da se citaju direktno kod operatera? Za email jos razumem (razni ssl-i, a mozda i neka enkripcija preko), ali zasto sms?