[ random @ 17.12.2003. 14:33 ] @
Ovo će biti tema u kojoj ćemo objavljivati vesti vezane za rad elitesecurity.org Jabber servera. Nemojte pisati komentare u ovu temu, već otvorite novu, citirajući vest.
[ random @ 17.12.2003. 14:34 ] @
Neki korisnici su ovih dana imali probleme sa JIT transportom. Problem je zapravo bio u jednom od AOL ovih login servera (login.icq.com). Promenjen je login server, i sada JIT ponovo radi. Nadamo se da je u pitanju samo problem sa njihovim serverima, a ne opomena pred blacklisting.
[ random @ 21.01.2004. 01:46 ] @
Jabber MSN Transport (msn.elitesecurity.org) je postavljen i željno očekuje da ga VI testirate (nemam MSN nalog i nemam nameru da ga otvaram).

Komentari ovde.
[ random @ 23.01.2004. 16:26 ] @
Yahoo! IM Gateway (yahoo.elitesecurity.org) je postavljen i željno čeka da ga mučite. Komentari ovde.

users.elitesecurity.org je apgrejdovan na JUD 0.5 i sada ponovo radi, tj. možete pretraživati korisnike elitesecurity.org Jabber servera.
[ random @ 07.12.2004. 03:25 ] @
jabberd apgrejdovan na, što mi je ujedno pružilo i priliku da počistim malo setup, uklonjeni su svi stari i nefunkcionalni transporti i moduli (uključujući i stari MSN transport).

Možda bude još jedan apgrejd jabberd-a 1.4, ako uspem da nateram CVS verziju da se prevede na FreeBSD-u. Nakon toga, planiram da pređemo ili na jabberd2 ili na ejabberd, još uvek nisam odlučio, a odlažem ovaj prelazak zbog migracije korisničkih naloga.
[ random @ 17.12.2004. 15:01 ] @
Default karma vrednosti su sada velikodušno povećane, kako za c2s tako i za s2s konekcije. Ovo će pomoći ljudima sa velikim rosterima (kao ja recimo :o)), kojima se ponekad dešava da prekorače karma ograničenje pa im server ograniči protok.
[ random @ 21.12.2004. 19:05 ] @
Novi, eksperimentalni Pyxmpp Yahoo! Transport, na yahoo.dev.elitesecurity.org. Probajte ga.

Novi, krajnje eksperimentalni i veoma nestabilni IRC transport, na irc.elitesecurity.org. Kratko uputstvo za korišćenje.
[ Mihailo @ 22.12.2004. 00:15 ] @
Radi :o)

Za server kucate: irc.elitesecurity.org
za room: #es%irc.balcan.net (ili bilo šta u formi kanal%server)

BTW, ne rade IRC komande u ovoj verziji transporta.
[ random @ 30.12.2004. 14:05 ] @
PyICQ apgrejdovan.


PyICQ-t 0.5 released!
posted by jadestorm at 12:19 PM CST on Dec 25, 2004
New version fixes bugs and adds functionality

This new version no longer requires a patched version of twisted! Everything that was patched is now part of the distribution directly, so all you need is a real Twisted install and the dist.

This version also includes enhanced vcard support provided by Jonas Adahl, fixes to work with ejabberd provided by Magnus Henoch. Various other bugs are fixed as well. Note that you may need to re-register with the transport under ejabberd.

PyMSN-t 0.5a released
posted by jadestorm at 14:15 PM CST on Dec 25, 2004
Major bug in 0,5 has been fixed

There was a presence loop bug in 0.5 that has been fixed in 0.5a. My apologies.
[ random @ 17.01.2005. 16:09 ] @
PyAIM apgrejdovan. Čak sam prijavio autoru i jedan propust koji je odmah ispravljen (u verziji 0.4a).

Daniel Henninger:
This new release includes a wealth of updates and changes. Some of the
biggest changes are the new xml-based configuration file (you no longer
need to edit a python source file), command line arguments, a web admin
interface that can be enabled, typing notifications, and support for
ejabberd. Please see NEWS for a list of new features.
[ random @ 03.02.2005. 15:45 ] @
Upgrade je malo potrajao (pola sata), morao sam da ispravim sitan ali dovoljno krupan bag u sorsu transporta.


To: py-transports at jabberstudio.org, jdev at jabber.org, jadmin at jabber.org
From: James Bunton <james at delx.cjb.net>
Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2005 00:11:48 +1100
Subject: [py-transports] PyMSNt 0.9 preview

Hi everyone.

A few things:

For the jadmin & jdev people, from now on everything related to PyMSNt
will be only posted to [email protected] (along with
Daniel's PyAIM/ICQ stuff)
I suggest you subscribe if you're interested :)

Also, there's a preview of PyMSNt 0.9 available for download from my

Done so far for 0.9:
* HTTPS proxy support
* Switch to using xish for all XML parsing
* Make an option of registration
* Review subscription code (WRT eJabberd)
* Don't reconnect if disconnect reason is connected from another
* jabber:x:delay in groupchat messages
* Send error messages as errors
* Better config format (XML)
* Fix groupchat

Remaining to do...
* Keep track of MSN contact list versions and get the SYN command to
use them
* Finish MSN Notification messages (NOT message, send as headline

The last two may or may not get done in time for release.
Basically, there's a few cleanups, lots of bugfixes (memory leak still
there), as well as a new config file format (XML no less :P) and a
couple of small features.

I'm running the transport now, it seems stable to me, but of course
will need testing, especially on the features listed above :)
I welcome any bug reports and feedback.

Also, if anybody has a copy of MSN Messenger 7.0beta that they can test
for compatibility, that would be great. I have now Windows machine, so
I can't do it.

Any questions, comments, or bug reports, please don't hesitate to
contact me.
Thanks for testing :)



py-transports mailing list
[email protected]

[ random @ 04.02.2005. 14:12 ] @
Neke chat sobe se od danas loguju. Logovi se nalaze na adresi

[ random @ 10.02.2005. 16:17 ] @
Sitne ispravke bagova i leakova.
[ random @ 18.02.2005. 16:14 ] @
MUC apgrejdovan na poslednju (i to, izgleda, u svakom smislu poslednju) CVS verziju.
[ random @ 25.02.2005. 16:16 ] @
James Bunton:
New in this subrelease..
Changes to some config options
The XML config file is a little more robust. It shouldn't just throw an exception if you have an invalid option.
Better handling for multiple resources. If you message a contact from a resource, all messages in that chat will be sent to that resource until the contact closes the window, or you message them from another resource.
A few bugfixes.
[ random @ 28.02.2005. 02:17 ] @
0.9 stabilna verzija. Minimalne razlike u ondosu na 0.9-dev3.
[ random @ 05.03.2005. 02:28 ] @
James Buntona je izgleda unajmio Portugalski telekom, pa vredno radi svaki dan na MSN transportu:

I just put out 0.9.1 as a bugfix release.

The main things for everybody to see are:
* The new configuration system works now. Meaning you can turn on/off
mail notifications, debugging, etc as you would expect to be able to
(it was very buggy in 0.9).
* The transport will run under Windows again
* A few exception bugs have been fixed also

Inače, druga lepa vest je da će MSN transport uskoro podržavati — file trasfer! (da, dobro ste pročitali). File trasfer stiže u verziji 0.10.

Receiving files from MSN users is... WORKING!! :D
I can receive files from an MSN user regardless of whether they're
behind a firewall or not.
All the server admin must do is open ports 8010 and 6891-6900 on their

I'll be releasing 0.10 once I've got sending files to MSN users
working, as well as some access controls to prevent abuse and flooded
servers :)

Inače, dotični portugalci su unajmili i Justina Karnegesa (autora Psi-ja), tako da se ovaj dečko vraća punom parom na razvoj jednog od najboljih Jabber klijenata, ovaj put kao full-time job! Ovo je odlična vest za Psi projekat i za Jabber zajednicu uopšte.

This is the moment we've all been waiting for, folks! SAPO, the largest Internet service provider and web portal in Portugal, has hired me to work full time on Open Source Software. Expect this partnership to have a major impact on the Psi/Delta projects, and by extension the entire Jabber Community. Jabber has needed this for so long, and I'm very excited!

Šta se dešava? Izgleda da veliki portugalski ISP (i web portal) SAPO pravi svoj IM baziran na Jabberu. Windows verzija već postoji1, sad hoće da iskoriste Psi kao bazu za Linux i Mac OS X verziju. Dobra stvar je, naravno, da će sav taj rad biti pod GPL licencom i kao takav se vraća u Psi projekat.

1 download ako neko hoće da proba, čini mi se da je u pitanju brandovana verzija Jabber Inc. Jabber Messengera, ali nisam siguran.
[ random @ 07.03.2005. 18:14 ] @
Pošto će jabberd 1.4.4 ipak izaći uskoro, i es jabber će biti osvežen, pojačan boljom XMPP kompatibilnošću (recimo kriptovane konekcije preko novog STARTTLS mehanizma), kriptovanom server-to-server komunikacijom, većom otpornošću na probleme sa mrežom i još koječim.
[ random @ 13.03.2005. 10:57 ] @
PyICQ-t 0.6 Release Notes

This release is the collective work of the last couple of months. Aside from a
slew of bug fixes and various code improvements, the following major updates
have occured:

* SSI buddy list handling that actually works right.

* Socks5 support.

* Web admin interface.

* Support for configurable encoding.

* Enhanced user status support thanks to Jonas Adahl.

* Brand new configuration file format. (XML based)

* Now handles command line args. (-h to see list)

Za encoding sam stavio windows 1250, pitanje je da li i kako to radi (nikad mi nije bilo jasno to kod ICQ-a).

PyAIM-t 0.5 Release Notes

This release includes a wealth of updates and bug fixes. The primary updates
are as follows:

* Socks5 support.

* SSI buddy list handling that works corrrectly.

* No more TOC support.

* Groupchat/chat room support.

* Rate limit handling.

But there are many other changes behind the scenes. For details see ChangeLog
in the dist. Note that this release is partially to get eveyone on the same
page and still has open bugs and such.
[ random @ 28.03.2005. 04:50 ] @
Stvar je bila u tome što se Yahoo-ov login server promenio negde u zadnjih godinu dana, sad sam samo podesio transport (onaj stari, yahoo.elitesecurity.org) da koristi aktuelni server i izgleda da radi.

[ random @ 28.03.2005. 16:13 ] @
Ispravke bagova. Još uvek čekamo verziju 0.10 sa file transferom.
[ random @ 21.04.2005. 19:14 ] @
Posle uputstva za JAJC, dodato i uputstvo sa slikama (slikovnica) za Psi. Još da neko napravi slikovnicu za Pandion i na konju smo.
[ random @ 16.05.2005. 12:22 ] @
MSN transport apgrejdovan. Povećana stabilnost i ispravljeni mnogi bagovi.

James Bunton:
* Lots and lots and lots and lots of stability fixes. No really, heaps.
* Support for Twisted 2.0 if you want to try that out.
* An option to only log things to debug.log if there's an error.
* You can send packets to the transport in <route/> wrappers from other
server components and they will work.
* You can add the tag <noerror xmlns="sapo:noerror"/> to a message if
you don't wish to have it bounced upon an error (useful for scripts)
* Lots and lots more bugfixes.
* A few new languages. If yours isn't here, please have a look at
lang.py and send me a translation :)
[ random @ 16.07.2005. 16:20 ] @
Naš IM server je apgrejdovan (na jabberd 1.4.4) i trenutno smo u fazi provere da li je upgrade prošao kako treba. Prijavite sve evenutalne probleme preko jabbera na [email protected], ili u sobi [email protected] što pre, da bi provera prošla što efikasnije.

Očekujte još jedan ili dva kratka downtime-a u toku dana, da bi finalizovali ceo proces.

Od promena vidljivih korisnicima imajte u vidu sledeće:

• server sada normalno prihvata STARTTLS konekcije na default portu (5222). znači, gaim i exodus korisnici (i korisnici još nekih klijenata) ne moraju više da koriste "legacy SSL" opciju.

• server sada prihvata negativne prioritete (sesije sa negativnim prioritetom neće nikad dobijati poruke po defaultu)

• korisnici starog icq transporta sada dobijaju automatsku poruku da je transport premešten i da treba da koriste jit.elitesecurity.org

više detalja ovde:

Update: komentare možete ostaviti (i probleme prijaviti) u ovoj temi.

[Ovu poruku je menjao random dana 16.07.2005. u 17:24 GMT+1]
[ random @ 18.07.2005. 19:31 ] @
Instaliran je proxy za file transfere. Ovaj proxy pomaže pri fajl transferima kada su oba korisnika iza NAT-a pa ne može da se ostvari direktna konekcija. Da bi konfigurisali Psi da koristi elite-ov proxy, u account setup idite na jezičak properties i tamo pod "data transfer proxy" upišite "proxy.elitesecurity.org".
[ random @ 13.08.2005. 09:57 ] @
PyAIM-t 0.6 Release Notes

This is sort of a stopgap release to put out some important fixes, as requested
by folk on the py-transports list. Some highlights are:

• Support for @mac.com screen names.

• Support for chat room exchanges.

• Better unicode support.

• Support for extended status messages.

• Contact users upon disconnection.

• Support for displaying idle times.

• Improved rate limit handling.

Please be aware that, despite the support for chat room exchanges being added,
it's possible that normal groupchats may not work very well now. This release
did not include extensive testing of the new groupchat code. Exchanges are
specified using %. For example, #myroom%[email protected]/mynickname
opens a chatroom myroom on exchange 4.
[ random @ 20.08.2005. 13:18 ] @
http://jabber.elitesecurity.org/ je rekonstruisan i vraćen online. Hvala ciciki za CSS.

Ovim pozivam web dizajnere koji žele da pokažu svoju veštinu, da naprave alternativne stylesheetove za ovu stranicu (u duhu csszengarden.com), da ih okače u ovoj temi, pa ću ih ja staviti na sajt.

Svi komentari i predlozi su dobrodošli (u pomenutoj temi).
[ random @ 28.08.2005. 18:31 ] @
Nova verzija MSN transporta je stavljena na test. U ovoj verziji transport podržava i avatare i još svašta nešto.

Takođe, naslovi vesti sa ove teme su inkorporirani u sidebar na sajtu.

[Ovu poruku je menjao random dana 28.08.2005. u 19:31 GMT+1]
[ random @ 13.09.2005. 16:02 ] @
Dodato je odlično detaljno uputstvo za Pandion, sa slikama. Uputstvo je uradio aleksandar (i hvala mu na tome).
[ random @ 03.10.2005. 18:41 ] @
Posle par meseci testiranja, MSN transport na es-u (msn.elitesecurity.org) je apgrejdovan na danas izašlu (!) stabilnu verziju sa podrškom za avatare, nickove i personal messages.

James Bunton:
Hi everybody.

PyMSNt 0.10 has been released and declared stable. Its handling several
thousand concurrent users on SAPO (http://messenger.sapo.pt) servers
right now.

This release brings all sorts of niceties:
* Limited ad-hoc commands
* More stability
* Fixes to contact list handling (this may mean you have to redelete a
few contacts as a once-off)
* Clustering support (requires an extra component. Join py-transports
if you're interested)
* MSN7 personal message -> Jabber status, and MSN nick -> Jabber vCard
* <nickname> tag in presence for willing clients.
* And of course, vCard and (limited) JEP-8 avatars!

Grab it from: http://msn-transport.jabberstudio.org

Have a look at the developer docs to see how to make sure your client
works well with the transport.
At the moment the user guide isn't fully up to date.

Ipak, moj savet ostaje da ubedite svoje prijatelje i kolege koji koriste MSN da pređu na Jabber.
[ random @ 18.01.2006. 12:57 ] @
Juče je proradila komunikacija između Google Talk servisa i ostatka Jabber/XMPP mreže (što uključuje i elitesecurity.org IM server). Drugim rečima, sada možete koristiti elitesecurity.org (ili bilo koji drugi Jabber server) za chat sa prijateljima koji koriste Google Talk.
[ random @ 13.02.2006. 10:58 ] @
Release Notes

This release has some known bugs in it, but it has been a long time since the
last release and so I wanted to get something out for people to play with and
get everyone on the same page. Some of the features added since 0.6 are:

* Web interface improved.

* Lots of new OSCAR related functionality.

* Buddy icons!

* Startup script is now cross platform (python PyICQt.py instead of PyICQt)

* Support for Jabberd2's component protocol.

* New driver based spool (including MySQL support).

* Slew of encoding fixes.

Please see the NEWS file for more details on major changes. Some known issues
that still exist are:

* There are still encoding problems here and there, primarily in status

* Icon handling can be rather talkative.

* Web interface still isn't as useful as I want it to be.

Please look over the bug reports if you try out this release and comment if you
run into problems and are continuing to see those bugs. You can probably expect
a 0.7a release to handle at least the talkative icons soonish.

Takođe, postavio sam novi Unicode JIT na testiranje (icq.elitesecurity.org). Treba testirati da li dobro rade ćirilica i latinica između ova dva transporta i zvaničnih ICQ klijenata. Diskusija na ovoj temi:

[ random @ 20.03.2006. 09:36 ] @
Python transporti apgrejdovani na najsvežije verzije. File transfer sa MSN korisnicima bi trebalo da radi.
[ random @ 21.07.2006. 08:14 ] @
Minoran apgrejd. Vredi pomenuti da je MSN transport zbog problema sa stabilnošću u nekom trenutku bio vraćen na 0.10.3 verziju. Sada sam instalirao najnoviju verziju. MSN fajl transfer i ICQ/AIM avatari bi trebalo da funkcionišu.

edit: zbog problema sa MSN transportom, urađeno je nekoliko apgrejdova i daungrejdova, trenutno se vrti 0.11.2-dev.

[Ovu poruku je menjao random dana 01.10.2006. u 16:56 GMT+1]
[ random @ 01.10.2006. 15:57 ] @
Nove verzije.

Verovatno neću više pisati ova obaveštenja o minornim apgrejdovima transporta.

[Ovu poruku je menjao random dana 02.10.2006. u 22:54 GMT+1]
[ random @ 22.11.2007. 17:04 ] @
elitesecurity.org Jabber servis je migriran sa jabberd14 na najnoviji Openfire. Svi useri se mole da ponovo popune svoj VCard, a korisnici transporta (ICQ, MSN, Yahoo! itd.) da se ponovo registruju na njih. Opširnije na ovoj temi.