[ aleksandaraleksandar @ 14.09.2009. 08:22 ] @
Ran Geva noticed that Google's date range restrictions have been extended and you can now find web pages published or indexed by Google * less than one minute ago or even less than 10 seconds ago.

Click on "show options", select "past 24 hours" and tweak the URL by replacing "tbs=qdr:d" with "tbs=qdr:n" to find pages published in the past minute.

Example: a search for [Tiger Woods: http://www.google.com/search?q=tiger%20woods&tbs=qdr:n ] restricted to almost real-time results.

The date restriction feature is quite flexible, but you need to know the syntax used by Google's URLs:


To find the web pages published less than 45 seconds ago that include the word "flu", use this URL:

za ovaj primer su zanimljive dve stvari:
1. poruka koja kaže da opcija ne funkcioniše, ali ta poruka je prevedena na srpski :) znači da postoji.
2. opcija ipak funkcioniše: svi rezultati su ispod 45 sekundi.