[ Nigerijac @ 06.05.2010. 15:46 ] @
Error on line 338: Declaration error for MAIN: external name already used
/usr/bin/f77: aborting compilation

Ovo mi daje program je u FORTRANU,koristim f77 kompajler.Ubacio sam jednu subrutinu u ovaj program nesto isprobavam,pre toga sam menjao neke formule.Ima li ko ideju sta da promenim?
[ combuster @ 06.05.2010. 16:02 ] @
Nigerijac, niko ti zivi pomoci ne moze bez koda. Rekao bih da bi trebao da promenis naziv iz MAIN u neki drugi...


External Names

External names are a special type of user-defined name used by the
linker. In FORTRAN, external names are generated for subroutines,
functions, entry points, and common blocks. Unless the ALIAS or
EXTERNAL_ALIAS directive is used (refer to Chapter 7 ), the external
name is the same as the name used in the source code. A FORTRAN external
name should never conflict with the name of a system routine or

Tema je za ostale programske jezike...