[ mmix @ 09.06.2010. 13:30 ] @
Jel se neko igrao sa ugradjenim spellcheckerom u WPFu? Koje biblioeke koristi i dal radi u lokalizaciji?


Code (xml):

<TextBox x:Name=”editor” SpellCheck.IsEnabled=”True” />
[ Igor Gajic @ 09.06.2010. 13:32 ] @

SpellCheck of WPF has few basic Limitations.

1. SpellChecking functionality is restricted to English, Spanish, French and German.
2. You cannot create CustomDictionaries for Textboxes. So if you want to ignore a specific word, it will be ignored once only for the current application run. If you rerun the application, you need to ignore the same word again.



^ Mislim da ovo daje bolju sliku sta je potrebno na klijent masini da bi spell check radio korektno
[ mmix @ 09.06.2010. 13:46 ] @
Znaci truba za sada. Mozda u 5.0 :)
[ Shadowed @ 09.06.2010. 13:53 ] @
Nisam se mnogo udubljivao, ali zar ne moze za druge jezike da koristi:
Code (xml):

<TextBox SpellCheck.IsEnabled="True" >
[ Igor Gajic @ 09.06.2010. 14:03 ] @
Mozes koristiti custom dictionary, ali i tu postoje ogranicenja:


WPF 4.0 custom dictionary support is still pretty weak. You can create a custom dictionary as a text file with a .lex extension, and manually add words to it that the spell checker will use in addition to its own built-in dictionary. But there is no way for the user to add an unrecognized word to the dictionary, short of exiting the app, opening the .lex file in Notepad, and typing it in. In other words, there is no "Add to dictionary" item on the spell-check context menu, even if a custom dictionary is in use. Custom dictionaries are useful, I suppose, for technical fields with well-defined terminology, which can be set up in a .lex file in advance. But the WPF spell-checker is pretty weak as a general purpose spell-checker.


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