[ BBS @ 18.06.2010. 03:53 ] @
Prilikom startovanja GNOME Terminala dobijam sledeci info>

The was a problem with the command for this terminal
Text was empty (or contained only whitespace)

U pitanju je Ubuntu Lucid Lynx

Kako ovo resiti

Inace root terminal radi ok
[ Srđan Pavlović @ 18.06.2010. 15:38 ] @
Kako startujes gnome terminal?

Iskopiraj launcher iz Start --> Accessories --> Terminal na Desktop, pa pogledaj u properties, treba da stoji u command polju samo: gnome-terminal
[ BBS @ 19.06.2010. 18:13 ] @
Nje problem u putanji jer se gnome terminal startuje ali sa navedenom informacijom. Posle odabira OK imam dakle pokrenut gnome terminal ali bez odziva tj uslovno rečeno kursora. Inače pokrećem ga iz "start" menija. S druge strane kad pokrenem root terminal sve je ok startuje normalno bez bilo kakvih problema
[ combuster @ 19.06.2010. 18:50 ] @
Pokreni: Edit-Profile preferences-Title and commands Tab

pa cekiraj Update login records when command is launched a dechekiraj Run a custom command instead of my shell.
[ BBS @ 22.06.2010. 00:32 ] @

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