[ Ivan Tanasic @ 01.12.2001. 12:02 ] @
Imam dva pitanja u vezi downloada:

1. Poceo sam da skidam nesto, doso do 90% i podivljo mi windows i prekino, a ne mogu da nastavim. Pokusavam da ga "vratim iz mrtvih" pomocu wget-a. U man stranici pise da ako ocu da nastavim download nekog fajla, treba da udjem u dir de se nalazi i uradim

#wget -c ftp.nekisajt.com/neki/fajl.tar.gz

i on ce pocne da dopisuje u fajl.tar.gz u diru u kome se nalazim. Problem je u tome sto nemam tacnu putanju fajla, vec se to sve odvija preko java servleta i ko zna cega, tako da se u url: polju ne nalazi tacna putanja do fajla na serveru. E sad ima li sanse da ja nekako saznam tu putanju i ubacim u wget, ili mogu li ja samo da prepisem sve sto dobijem kao url (malo naporno, al ako radi vredi probati) ili moram da pisem sun-u da mi kazu tacnu adresu ftp-a i lokaciu fajla???

2. Da li mogu nekako da namestim neko browser (netscape,mozilla,konqueror...) da klikom na fajl ne preuzima on, vec neki download menadzer tipa nt(X downloader),wget..... Ovo mi treba da ne bih ponovo dolazio u slicnu situaciju
[ Darko Pipic @ 01.12.2001. 16:07 ] @
Ja sam takodje pokusao da skinem nesto sa SUN-ovog sajta preko Download Acceleratora ali je to nemoguce ako ne znas tacnu adresu, jer imaju one servlete ili sta li je vec (ono sto si spomenuo), znaci samo preko browsera mozes skinuti nesto, sto im je veliki minus, najbolje je da im posaljes mail.
[ Gojko Vujovic @ 01.12.2001. 16:22 ] @
Nije to minus, to je leech protection..
[ Ivan Tanasic @ 01.12.2001. 17:17 ] @
Ma pusti bre, crnjak!!!!!!

Sad sam probao kroz operu da skidam, skinem nekih 5%, stopiram, krenem da nastavim kad cvrc!

ide od pocetka!!!

Nesto mi kaze da server sa koga uporno skidam ne podrzava resume.
[ Ivan Tanasic @ 01.12.2001. 17:23 ] @
Sun-ov download FAQ

Q. Can I download software using FTP?
A. The software on the Sun Download Center is subject to strict code license
and export controls, thus various security systems are built into our download
site. This security architecture relies on the HTTP protocol for downloads,
so we do not provide an FTP option.
Samo me zanima kako je mohican skidao solaris 8, da li je getright preuzeo od browsera ili...?
[ Ivan Tanasic @ 01.12.2001. 17:30 ] @
hehe, evo resenja:

Q. Does the Sun Download Center support any download managers
for Linux?
A. Sun Download Center has been tested successfully with the following
free download managers for Linux. These may be very useful, as they allow
you to pause and resume downloads as well as restart interrupted downloads.

XDownloader (a.k.a
WebDownloader for X) (Latest non-beta version)
Follow these steps to use XDownloader with Sun Download Center:

Select the desired product to download and proceed through the pages until
the link is given to the product itself.

Right-click on the URL to download the product and copy the link location.

Start XDownloader, and from the menu bar, select File->PasteDownload.
This will bring up a tabbed dialog to configure the download location, download
preferences, proxies, etc.

Clicking 'OK' will start the download.

Caitoo (formerly
known as Kget)
This product is for KDE users only. There is a feature to drag links from
KFM or Netscape to Caitoo, but we could not get this to work, so we used
this process:
Select the desired product to download and proceed through the pages until
the link is given to the product itself.

Right-click on the URL to download the product and copy the link

Start Caitoo, and from the menu bar, select File->Paste Transfer. This
will open a dialog with the URL in the text field. Click "OK".

A file dialog will be presented to choose the destination directory of the

Clicking "OK" again will begin the download.
[ MoHicAn @ 02.12.2001. 02:20 ] @
Ja mislim da mozes i sa wget-om
samo probaj iz pocetka
posto wget moze da skida fajlove i preko http protokola
probaj samo da mu stavis onu adresu iz browsera pa vidi sta ce da kaze ...
[ Ivan Tanasic @ 02.12.2001. 11:52 ] @
Ma regulisano ;) (XdownloadeR)
[ Tigerheart @ 02.12.2001. 15:38 ] @
Sun-ov download FAQ

Q. Can I download software using FTP?
A. The software on the Sun Download Center is subject to strict code license
and export controls, thus various security systems are built into our download
site. This security architecture relies on the HTTP protocol for downloads,
so we do not provide an FTP option.
Samo me zanima kako je mohican skidao solaris 8, da li je getright preuzeo od browsera ili...?

Pod windowzom mozes da koristis npr gozillu ili flashget
oba programa podrzavaju aplete koji se nalaze na sunovom sajtu i dopustaju resume fajla ...:)
[ MoHicAn @ 02.12.2001. 16:58 ] @
Sun-ov download FAQ

Q. Can I download software using FTP?
A. The software on the Sun Download Center is subject to strict code license
and export controls, thus various security systems are built into our download
site. This security architecture relies on the HTTP protocol for downloads,
so we do not provide an FTP option.
Samo me zanima kako je mohican skidao solaris 8, da li je getright preuzeo od browsera ili...?

Ja nisam imao nikakvih problema kad sam skidao ....
sve je proteklo u najboljem maniru