[ wex-alpha @ 16.01.2011. 21:39 ] @
Drusto astronomera je javno objavilo navjecu sliku neba do sada.

On Tuesday, January 11, at the 217th meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Seattle, WA, astronomers and physicists with the third Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-III) announced the release of the largest color image of the sky yet made. In the following press release issued by the SDSS-III collaboration, cosmologist David Schlegel of Berkeley Lab’s Physics Division, principal investigator of SDSS-III’s Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS), discusses future maps of the sky and the role the giant image has played in targeting over a million galaxies for BOSS’s study of dark energy and the history of the expansion of the universe.

Objavili su i dosta alata za pregled te "slike". Jedan od njih je i http://skyserver.sdss3.org/dr8/en/tools/chart/navi.asp
Taj alat ima i spektralnu dijagnostiku. Ima i podatke u vezi objekta koji posmatrate (da li je vec u katalogu i dosta drugih)

Najbolje u svemu tome je da vecina informacija sa slike nije istrazena tj. tamo negdje mozda nesto ceka da bude otkriveno... a i mi obicni smrtnici imamo sansu da to i uradimo.


[ wex-alpha @ 16.01.2011. 21:43 ] @
The image has been put together over the last decade from millions of 2.8-megapixel images, thus creating a color image of more than a trillion pixels. This terapixel image is so big and detailed that one would need 500,000 high-definition TVs to view it at its full resolution