[ vector_xyz @ 17.04.2011. 17:06 ] @

mySQL ima mogucnost da, dodati memcached modul direktno komunicira sa InnoDB s'tim dostigne brzinu NoSQL-a.
Trenutno moze te tech-preview presnimiti sa mySQL Labs i trenutno je samo dostupno za Linux.

Info & Download: Pogledaj InnoDB Blog


- Memcached as a daemon plugin of mysqld: both mysqld and memcached are running in the same process space, with very low latency access to data
- Direct access to InnoDB: bypassing SQL parser and optimizer
- Support standard protocol (memcapable): support both memcached text-based protocol and binary protocol; all 55 memcapable tests are passed
- Support multiple columns: users can map multiple columns into "value". The value is separated by a pre-defined "separator" (configurable).
- Optional local caching: three options - "cache-only", "innodb-only", and "caching" (both "cache" and "innodb store"). These local options can apply to each of four Memcached operations (set, get, delete and flush).
- Batch operations: user can specify the batch commit size for InnoDB memcached operations via "daemon_memcached_r_batch_size" and "daemon_memcached_w_batch_size" (default 32)
- Support all memcached configure options through MySQL configure variable "daemon_memcached_option"
[ bogdan.kecman @ 17.04.2011. 17:35 ] @
sitan dodatak, koga zanima "sira" upotreba nosql-a sa mysql-om, ndbcluster je takodje dobio memcached interface tako da moze da se koristi distribuirani ndbcluster setup umesto memcached-a te time dobijate "persistent memcached" .... sa standardnom "suludo velikom" brzinom koju ndbcluster nudi + sinhrona replikacija ....