[ Vanus84 @ 23.10.2011. 16:03 ] @
Vec duze vreme nikako ne mogu da koristim web brower google chrome pojavljuje mi problem da nikako ne mogu da se logujem na FB tj top eleven igricu.Otvorim igricu i ona pocinje da se ocitava konektuje se ali ne moze da se loguje.Pojavljuje mi da imam problem sa portom 1935 i nikako ne mogu da ga resim.Mada sam pronasao resenje na jednom web situ ali nikako ni to ne uspeva.Pa bih vas zamolio ako neko od vas zna ili moze da mi to resi na bilo koji nacin resi dozvolio bih mu direktnu konekciju u moj pc preko programa teamviewer 6.

Pokazacu vam kako to izgledam da slikama:

If you are experiencing problems connecting to the game and getting Port 1935 message, here is the solution for Chrome browser.

The problem is in Flash Player that is integrated within Chrome browser. Please follow next steps to make Top Eleven work in Google Chrome:

1. Visit www.adobe.com/go/getflash/, download and install latest version of Adobe Flash Player.
2. Restart Google Chrome browser.
3. Enter "about:plugins" (without quotation marks) in Chrome's address bar. Chrome's Plug-ins page opens.
4. Click Details in upper right corner of the page. You should have 2 versions of Flash listed. One is Chrome's integrated version, and another is the one you have just installed. Please disable integrated version (see attached image).
5. Restart Google Chrome browser.