[ bigvlada @ 04.05.2012. 08:17 ] @
Nadam se da je ovo pravi podforum za temu.

The Case for Copyright Reform

Legalized file sharing, shorter protection times for the commercial copyright monopoly, free sampling and a ban on DRM.
These are the main points of the proposal for copyright reform that the Pirate Party is advocating and which the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament adopted as its group position in September 2011.
This is a constructive alternative to the controversial ACTA agreement and to the criminalization of the entire generation of youths. This booklet explains why such a reform is both necessary and sustainable and will benefit both citizens and artists.

Na ovom linku možete skinuti celu knjigu, nije dugačka, ima 64 strane.

Interesuju me mišljenja glede ovoga kao i procene šansi da još neka grupacija partija u EU parlamentu podrži ovakvu reformu.

Najinteresantnija stvar je stav da zakoni koji važe u fizičkom svetu treba da važe i u virtuelnom kao i ko se buni protiv toga.