[ Jbyn4e @ 11.12.2001. 17:33 ] @
Primetio sam da pri dizanju w2k pro masine u event log-u mi se javljaju sledece greske:

WMI ADAP was unable to create object index 2106 for Performance Library ContentFilter because no value was found in the 009 subkey
WMI ADAP was unable to create object index 2082 for Performance Library ContentIndex because no value was found in the 009 subkey
WMI ADAP was unable to create object index 2136 for Performance Library IAS because no value was found in the 009 subkey
WMI ADAP was unable to create object index 2114 for Performance Library ISAPISearch because no value was found in the 009 subkey
WMI ADAP was unable to create object index 2022 for Performance Library MSDTC because no value was found in the 009 subkey
WMI ADAP was unable to create object index 1848 for Performance Library RSVP because no value was found in the 009 subkey
WMI ADAP was unable to load the winspool.drv performance library due to an unknown problem within the library: 0x0

Sve ove greske zajenicko imaju da je Event Source: WinMgmt.

Da li neko moze da mi kaze zbog cega nastaju ove greske, tj. kako da ih otklonim.
[ BrainBug @ 13.12.2001. 09:02 ] @
Prijatelju....ocigledno to nije nesto mnogo vazno....rekao bih da su to neki logovi performansi i jos ponekih servisa......to nije toliko bitno u samom radu OS-a pa ako to radi kako treba....ignorisi ga i nastavi da kljucas tastaturu!