[ mserifov @ 28.03.2013. 11:03 ] @

Nasao sam ovaj programator iskljucivo mi treba za BIOS čipove. Ako netko ima iskustva da mi kaze mozda ima nesto bolje
[ gilopile @ 28.03.2013. 11:14 ] @
Pokusaj ovaj naci kod nas, trebalo bi da ga ima jedna firma - da ne reklamiram. Zavrsice ti sav posao oko programiranja eproma.

[ mserifov @ 28.03.2013. 11:22 ] @
Znaci sa ovim Willem ne bi trebalo da mi se pojavi bios čip a da se na moze odraditi
[ gilopile @ 28.03.2013. 11:32 ] @
Mislim da su podrzani gotovo svi. E sad, da li ce se usko pojaviti neki treci standard....:)

ovde sve lepo pise:)

Motherboard BIOS freshing & upgrading
Refreshing, Upgrading, Programming BIOS chips.
Copier, Fax machine, Printer main board maintaining or repairing.
Motor Vehicle memory device, MEMCAL or ECU code reading, writing.
VCD, DVD, Color TV maintaining or repairing.
Neon Light Controller code writing.
MCU development - programming for MCS-51 series, AVR series and PIC series MCU.
Repairing, reading, writing, programming PC motherboard BIOS Chips.
Upgrade the chip in your cars computer. Car / automotive ECU chip tuning, memory device code read / write / program.
Modify the chips in your Xbox or PlayStation Console.
Programming MicroChip PIC Micros.
Programming ATMEL AVR Micros.
Flash a 3V6 SPI device on your motherboard or HDD.

Ja nameravam da ga pazarim po preporuci jednog servisera....Imam negde link firme, ali mislim da ces se snaci ako se odlucis za njega.
[ mserifov @ 28.03.2013. 11:35 ] @
Da li netko zna da se ne cimam kako da ovo kupim kod nas ovaj vilijam :)
[ gilopile @ 28.03.2013. 11:39 ] @
Nasao sam. Pogledaj PP