[ Air Jordan @ 25.03.2004. 15:56 ] @
[ Goran Mijailovic @ 25.03.2004. 16:39 ] @
I mene to isto interesuje, evo sta su meni odgovorili iz jedne kompanije u Americi:

"...If you do not use a credit card or prefer not to use one online, you may send us a certified check or money order in U.S. funds for the cost of each product ordered (this includes shipping and handling). Please make it payable to B****, Inc. Please mail this to us at the following address:
B*****, Inc.
Post Office Box 2****
Pittsburgh, PA 1****-***5
United States
In your correspondence, you must include the following information or we will be unable to process your order:
· Exact name of the product
· Your full name as listed in your account · Your phone number · ..."
[ Gojko Vujovic @ 25.03.2004. 19:54 ] @
Bilo više puta na esu, pretraži za money order i pogledaj sve teme koje se nude.

Jedna od njih daje ovo na primer: http://auctionpayments.com/