[ Java Beograd @ 09.10.2015. 08:34 ] @
Primetio sam da na nekim sajtovima, bez obzira na browser, neće da upamti username / password.

Dakle, da ne bude zabune, znam ja šta su podešavanja browsera. User settings, security ovoono. (Ne želim da tema ode u tom pravcu. )

Ali, za neke portale korišćen je neki programski alat, koji prosto ne mogućava browseru da zapamti podatke sa forme.

Da li neko zna, da li može tome da se doskoči (neki plugin, ili ekstenzija) ?

[ djoka_l @ 09.10.2015. 08:38 ] @

Some websites, for example Hotmail / MSN / live, GMail, Yahoo! Mail / flickr, and some banks, specify that your user name and password should not be saved. You can override this behavior.
Using a bookmarklet

Bookmark the "remember passwords" link on this page.
Go to the log in page of the site you want to save your details.
Enter your login and password, but do not submit.
Open the bookmark you just made. (Nothing will appear to happen).