[ fanfon @ 13.06.2016. 19:59 ] @
Hteo bih nekom odneti da mi napravi ovo sa snimka. Ima li neko ko bi mogao da prevede sa engleskog tacne nazive ovih "sastojaka" da bih mogao da ih nabavim:


(paint section)
4 - Five gallon buckets

(bldg materials)
1 - roll 1/2 inch mesh that is 24" wide (need 40 inches in length minimum)
1 - roll 1/4 inch mesh that is 24" wide (if using additional screen sizes)
1 - roll 1/8 inch mesh that is 24" wide (if using additional screen sizes)

10 - 1 inch PVC 90 degree elbows
9 - 1 inch PVC Tee fittings
5 - 1 inch PVC end caps
4 - 1 inch PVC pipe 10 foot lengths
2 - 1 inch PVC 45 degree fittings
1 - 1 inch PVC cross fitting (4-way cross)
1 - 1 inch PVC coupling
1 - 1 1/4 inch PVC pipe 5 foot length
1 - bottle PVC Primer (clear looks neater)
1 - bottle PVC Cement

8 - #8-32 x 1/2 inch machine screws w/nuts
8 - #8 fender washers
15 - #10-24 x 2 inch machine screws w/nuts (option - 4 of these are used for legs)
5 - #10-24 wing nuts (option - 4 are used for legs and 1 is used for axle)
6 - #10 fender washers
1 - 1/4-20 all thread (need 26 inches minimum)
12 - 1/4-20 lock nuts
8 - 1/4 inch washers
2 - 48 inch bungee cords (optional - needed if using additional screen sizes)
2 - small caribeener for bungee cords (optional - needed if using additional screen sizes)

1 - bag 8 inch black UV stabilized wire ties (zip ties - need 10-15 ties total)

1 - 1 3/8 inch hole saw with arbor

2 @ 13 1/2 inches (cross leg supports)
10 @ 6 inches (handle and chassis corners)
1 @ 41 1/2 inches (axle)
2 @ 29 inches (chassis sides)
12 @ 3 inches (leg feet and chassis leg slip nipples)
2 @ 21 inches (infeed legs)
2 @ 24 1/2 inches (outfeed legs)
2 @ 2 inches (outfeed leg 45 degree nipples
1 @ 7 inch (portion of handle that gets screwed to axle coupling)

--1 1/4 INCH PVC PIPE--
4 @ 6 inches (Legs slip attachment fittings)
1 @ 3 7/8 inches (handle spinner)

2 @ 7 inches from top rim
2 @ remove bottoms and cut lengthwise

1 @ 40 inches long for each size mesh

4 - 1 inch PVC @ 3 inches (feet)
2 - 1 inch PVC @ 21 inches (legs)
1 - 1 inch PVC @ 13 1/2 inches (cross leg support)
2 - 1 inch PVC end caps
2 - 1 inch PVC 90 degree elbows
2 - 1 inch PVC Tee fittings
2 - #10-24 2 inch machine screws w/nuts
4 - #10 machine screw washers

4 - 1 inch PVC @ 3 inches (feet)
2 - 1 inch PVC @ 24 1/2 inches (legs)
1 - 1 inch PVC @ 13 1/2 inches (cross leg support)
2 - 1 inch PVC end caps
2 - 1 inch PVC 90 degree elbows
2 - 1 inch PVC Tee fittings
2 - #10-24 2 inch machine screws w/nuts
4 - #10 machine screw washers

8 - 1 inch PVC @ 6 inches (corners)
4 - 1 inch PVC @ 3 inches (nipples between 45 degree and 1 1/4 inch leg slip)
4 - 1 1/4 inch PVC @ 6 inches (leg slips)
2 - 1 inch PVC @ 2 inches (nipples between chassis leg Tee and 45 degree)
2 - 1 inch PVC @ 29 inches (sides)
4 - 1 inch PVC 90 degree elbows
4 - 1 inch PVC Tee fittings
2 - 1 inch PVC 45 degree elbows
1 - 1 inch PVC Tee fitting drilled for axle
1 - 1 inch PVC Cross fitting drilled for axle
11 - #10-24 2 inch machine screws w/nuts
16 - #10 machine screws washers
6 - #10 fender washers
1 - bag of 8 inch black UV stabilized wire ties (zip ties)

2 - 1 inch PVC @ 6 inches (handle)
1 - 1 inch PVC @ 41 1/2 inches (axle)
1 - 1 inch PVC @ 7 inches (length that connect handle to axle coupling)
1 - 1 1/4 inch PVC @ 3 7/8 inches (handle spinner)
1 - 1 inch PVC end cap
2 - 1 inch PVC 90 degree elbows
1 - 1 inch PVC coupling
2 - #10-24 2 inch machine screws w/nuts
4 - #10 machine screw washers
8 - #8-32 x 1/2 inch machine screws w/nuts
8 - #8 fender washers
1 - 1/4-20 all thread (need 26 inches min)
12 - 1/4-20 lock nuts
8 - 1/4 inch washers
2 - 48 inch bungee cords (if using additional screen sizes)
2 - small caribiner for bungee cords (if using additional screen sizes)
1 - 1/2 inch mesh 24 inches wide @ 40 inches long (for each size mesh)

- miter saw (or pvc cutter)
- hack saw with metal cutting blade (could use jigsaw as well)
- tin snips or heavy duty scissors
- wire cutters
- tape measure
- 1 3/8 inch hole saw with arbor
- 3/8 inch drill
- 1/4 inch drill bit for all hardware except all thread
- 5/16 inch drill bit for 1/4 inch all thread pilot holes
- phillips screwdriver
- 7/16 inch wrench
- 3/8 inch wrench
- 7/16 inch socket and ratchet
- needlenose pliers
- vise grips (used while putting lock nuts on)
- tape
- dremel
- sandpaper
[ bakara @ 13.06.2016. 20:27 ] @
Pa ovo je obicna sejalica od rabic zice i PVC cevi na lepak.

Mislim da je dovoljno da nekome pokazes sliku ko je vest da napravi, ne trebaju mu nikakve konkretne dimenzije.
[ Java Beograd @ 14.06.2016. 08:33 ] @
Da bi pravio kompost potrebna ti je samo bilo kakva mreža koju ćeš da razapneš između 4 stubića (ili na bilo koju drugi način) - tek toliko da drži materijal na jednoj gomili. Jer kompostište i nije ništa drugo nego gomila otpadnog biljnog materijala.
Ja sam kompost pravio u starom plastičnom buretu, tako što sam izbušio mnogo rupa svud okolo, i na dnu isekao veću rupetinu, da mogu da vadim humus.

Bitno je samo nekoliko pravila:

1. Mora da ima vazduha. Ako nema onda umesto željenog truljenja (koje rade aerobni organizmi) počinje buđanje (koje rade anaerobni oranizmi)
2. Mora da bude vlažno - zalivaj povremeno
3. Nikako organski otpad životinjskog porekla
4. Dok ne počne proces kompostiranja, povremeno na gomilu baci malo zemlje.

Dakle, na gomulu bacaj svakojaki kuhinjski i baštenski biljni otpad, povremeno malo zemlje, povremeno zalivaj gomilu - i eto - za par meseci imaćeš humusa - ohoho. Pokupiš humus sa dna gomile, a višak, ili ono što nije nije do kraja istrulelo, ponovo vratiš na gomilu.

Ovo bre neki dokoni majstor uzeo da lepi cevi u milimetar precizno. Besposlen pop i jariće krsti.
[ fanfon @ 14.06.2016. 20:25 ] @
Ne treba meni kompost. Imam gliste i humus je spreman za "berbu". Ledja mi otpadose prosejavajuci ga kroz sito. Treba mi ovo sa snimka da olaksam posao.
[ Lavlja_Jazbina @ 14.06.2016. 23:20 ] @
Uzmi perforirani lim i kod nekog alatnicara-strugara-masinbravara ,savije i zavari krug a kroz sredinu neka cevka za okretanje.

Da te ne asociram na kante po parkovima koje su rupicaste (perforirane)..
[ Java Beograd @ 15.06.2016. 09:20 ] @
Okači sito da visi. Onda je mnogo lakše
[ fanfon @ 15.06.2016. 20:26 ] @
Problem je sto mora da se trese levo-desno, gore-dole da bi humus propadao. Nista necu olaksati ako visi. I ovde se prevrce kroz cilindar na snimku. Moracu nesto slicno smuckati
[ bakara @ 15.06.2016. 21:28 ] @
Ja ne mogu da verujem da to nisi sam jos skucao bar od nekih letvi i rabic zice, pa makar bilo i cetvrtasto
[ fanfon @ 20.06.2016. 12:02 ] @
Razmisljao sam da prvo napravim sa elektromotorom da se ne mucim. Posle godina lopatanja svega i svacega nemam zelju vise za teskim arbajtom
[ jovajovic100 @ 23.06.2016. 06:14 ] @
Pazi da ti gliste ne pobegnu dok napraviš sito !