[ FranjoZG @ 21.02.2017. 21:02 ] @
Ne znam da li spada u ovu temu...

Imam win 10 64 bitni, bez dodatnih antivirusnih programa, samo defender i firewall

Instalima podršku zainternet bankarstvo: USP stick. sa stranice:
RAB programi

Sve prođe OK osim instalacije ActivClient 6.1 x64

Pokušao sam:
- ugasiti firewall, defender
- reinstlirati javu
- kreirati novi accaunt (administrator)

Instalciju pokrećem sa: "Run as administrator"
Kopao sam po net-u, ništa...

Greška je:
Error 1920 Service ActivClient Middleware Service (accoca) failt to start. Verify thet you have sufficient privilegs to start systen services.

Izluđuje me, a i račune treba polatiti...