[ sallle @ 26.02.2002. 13:09 ] @
Welcome to ShellYeah.Org!

This machine is an UltraSparc 2 with dual CPUs with 512 megs of
RAM and 27 gigs of hard disk space. For all your Sun needs, call
William Allison at Gulfcoast Workstations 1-800-587-7882. Tell
them ShellYeah sent you.

On March 25th we'll be shutting down. This is going to be a permanent sh
We're sorry that this has to happen, but we no longer have the resources
to maintain
this free service.

Again, the permanent shutdown will be on March 25th, 2002.

[ _stef_ @ 08.03.2002. 09:55 ] @
Pretpostavljam da je u pitanju besplatan shell. Probaj na http://www.rootshell.be/ masina je phenix.rootshell.be

Nije nesto narocito ali moze posluziti...