[ flylord @ 23.11.2004. 12:05 ] @
A hard real-time system is a system that requires a guaranteed response to specific events within a defined time period


Foreword: This study compares the real-time capabilities of various Linux kernels. It was part of a project to upgrade the control software in water-wave generators at research institutions around the world. The results of the study were used by Akamina for the selection of a new RTOS for the control system upgrade of Canada's largest hydraulics and coastal engineering laboratory, the National Research Council Canadian Hydraulics Centre in Ottawa.

[ salec @ 23.11.2004. 13:05 ] @
To je iznenađenje... ispada da je 2.6 kernel sporiji od 2.4, mada sa druge strane, konzistentniji je, manja je razlika između najmanjeg i najvećeg kašnjenja...
[ caboom @ 23.11.2004. 13:10 ] @
ali nema fiksne latencije, odn. ne postoji worst-case latencija ako se ne varam (sto je prilicno bitan parametar, takoreci neizbezan kada govorimo o hard RT-u)? ili mi je to promaklo posto nisam imao mnogo vremena da prodjem kroz tekst...