[ ReSeR @ 06.12.2004. 07:03 ] @
I have DVD player procesor ESS Vibratto II + Flash memory 29LV800
After bad update (from disc CD ,file name bank30.rom - official update software ) software DVD is death. I have external flash programmer. I readed 29lv800 (from working DVD, programed my flash all ok dvd alive
i compare files bank30.rom <->read_29lv800 file is identical size 1.00MB
many peple have the same problem deat DVD after bat upgrade software :(

Can you help me about flash programming JTAG interface ? it is possible ?
Many thanx for any ansfer

[email protected]
[ mara28 @ 06.12.2004. 11:15 ] @


It should be possible to programm 29lv800 thrue jtag interface.But we dont know JTAG points on pcb without schematic.There is also problem with softwer to write with.
So far ,only way is same one that you used to repair player..

