[ krul @ 19.12.2004. 02:45 ] @
Marketing mi je uvek bio losija strana tako da sam cesto propustao poslove zbog toga sto nisam znao da se prodam. Ovaj put imam sastanak sa predstavnikom jedne agencije i stvarno mi je stalo da ubodem neki posao preko njih. Inace radi se o programiranju.
Pretpostavljam da oni tacno znaju koju pricu ocekuju i ja tu pricu treba zelim da im ponudim normalno prilagodjenu mojim okolnostima.

E pa em dragi em cenjeni i vise puta od pomoci korisnici ovog sajta (bez koga bi zivot na zemlji bilo tesko zamisliti ;-) ocekujem da me i ovog puta necete izneveriti iako ovaj put nisam bio specifican s obzirom na prirodu problema.

Srdacan pozdrav

In the meantime, I would like you to think about what it is that you
would like to be doing in the next steps in your career (eg. technology
you want to work with, % time spent doing x, type of company you're
interested in working for, and realistic salary compensation). This will
assist me in matching you against our docket of clients to see if there
might be an alignment.

1) What have you done that's caused you to stand out amongst other
2) What have you done that's caused your department or company to
increase revenues?
3) What have you done that's been income saving or cost reducing for
your department or company?
4) What have you done that's saved time or increased workflow?

These are tough questions, so feel free to take your time on your
answers. I look forward to reading them !