[ Nabukodonosor @ 02.03.2005. 15:14 ] @
Internet reklamiranje je prošle godine zabeležilo rast od 32 odsto u odnosu na 2003. godine, i došlo do novog rekorda uz nagoveštaj da se globalna kompjuterska mreža, po pitanju marketinga, rapidno širi na račun televizije i drugih medija. Za potrebe oglašavanja na internetu prošle godine potrošeno je 9,6 milijardi dolara, dok je u 2003. ovaj iznos bio 7,3 milijardi. Interesanto je da je u poslednjem kvartalu prošle godine potrošeno 2,2 milijarde, porast za 24 odsto u odnosu na isti period 2003. godine, te da je to bio peti kvartal zaredom kako su beleženi sve bolji rezultati po uloženom novcu u internet reklamu. Gde je najpopularnije postaviti reklamu - sudeći po izveštaju "Nielsen/NETRATINGS" iz prošlog meseca to su "Yahoo!", "MSN", "MYSPACE.com", "America Online" i "CNN".

Izvor: Danas
[ Dragan Varagic @ 03.03.2005. 08:18 ] @
Internet Ad potrošnja u EU

Overall growth for Europe's online advertising market was an impressive 30 percent in 2004, totaling 2.1 billion euros ($2.8 billion), according to JupiterResearch.

Looking forward, Internet advertising is expected to increase 28 percent in 2005 to 2.7 billion euros ($3.7 billion). Steady growth is expected to continue through 2008, when total European online advertising will reach 3.8 billion euros ($5.0 billion), said JupiterResearch analyst Julian Smith.

Lokalni trend kupovine oglašavanja...

"With Monster rolling out its business model to target the small to medium-sized businesses in local markets, Google trying to roll its AdSense product out to local retailers, and everyone else competing with them, the phones of local advertisers are ringing off the hook with potential local marketing opportunities online," Borrell said.

Borrell expects online local ad spend growth to increase at double the pace of overall interactive ad spend for 2005. Other recent projections for overall online ad spending in 2005 include Universal McCann's prediction of 25 percent year-over-year interactive growth, and 30 percent growth predicted by Jack Myers.