[ biotech @ 28.03.2005. 11:37 ] @
ne znam da instaliram vmware ;(.evo izlaza sa kozole:

root@nForce2:/home/mjugurdzija/Software/vmware-distrib# ./vmware-install.pl
Creating a new installer database using the tar3 format.

Installing the content of the package.

In which directory do you want to install the binary files?

What is the directory that contains the init directories (rc0.d/ to rc6.d/)?

What is the directory that contains the init scripts?

In which directory do you want to install the library files?

The path "/usr/lib/vmware" does not exist currently. This program is going to
create it, including needed parent directories. Is this what you want? [yes]

In which directory do you want to install the manual files?

In which directory do you want to install the documentation files?

The path "/usr/share/doc/vmware" does not exist currently. This program is going
to create it, including needed parent directories. Is this what you want?

The installation of VMware Workstation 4.5.2 build-8848 for Linux completed
successfully. You can decide to remove this software from your system at any
time by invoking the following command: "/usr/bin/vmware-uninstall.pl".

Before running VMware Workstation for the first time, you need to configure it
by invoking the following command: "/usr/bin/vmware-config.pl". Do you want this
program to invoke the command for you now? [yes]

Making sure services for VMware Workstation are stopped.

Stopping VMware services:
Virtual machine monitor done

You must read and accept the End User License Agreement to continue.
Press enter to display it.


Do you accept? (yes/no) yes

Thank you.

Trying to find a suitable vmmon module for your running kernel.

None of the pre-built vmmon modules for VMware Workstation is suitable for your
running kernel. Do you want this program to try to build the vmmon module for
your system (you need to have a C compiler installed on your system)? [yes] yes

Using compiler "/usr/bin/gcc". Use environment variable CC to override.

Your kernel was built with "gcc" version "2.95.4", while you are trying to use
"/usr/bin/gcc" version "3.3.5". This configuration is not supported and VMware
Workstation cannot work in such configuration. Please either recompile your
kernel with "/usr/bin/gcc" version "3.3.5", or restart /usr/bin/vmware-config.pl
with CC environment variable pointing to the "gcc" version "2.95.4".

For more information on how to troubleshoot module-related problems, please
visit our Web site at "http://www.vmware.com/download/modules/modules.html" and

Execution aborted.


izgleda da je ovo stari dobri problem sa verzijom kompajlera.koliko ja shvatam kernel je kompajliran sa gcc 2.5 verzijom dok se po defaultu koristi gcc 3.3 kako vratiti na 2.95.sigurno moze da se podesi.
koristiom knoppix 3.7 instaliran na hdd

[ mmirilovic @ 28.03.2005. 19:30 ] @
Već sam negde video na forumu sličan problem. Kod drajvera za modem. Zaista,
zašto kompajliraju kernel jednom verzijom, a drugu verziju gcc-a stavljaju na
disk? Ako je već poznato da to stvara probleme? Koja je to logika?

Postoje distribucije koje dolaze sa nekoliko različitih verzija kernela. Da li
je Knoppix jedan od njih? Ako jeste pokušaj da instaliraš noviju verziju

Uprkos poruci o verzijama kernela i gcc-a ipak proveri da li je kernel source
instaliran na HD? Možda je u tome problem? Malo verovatno, ali pokušaj.
[ biotech @ 28.03.2005. 21:26 ] @
jeste,verzija knoppixa koju ja imam ima oba 2.4.27 i 2.6.9. kernel.probao sam sa oba i isti slucaj.nemam ideju sta bi jos moglo da se uradi.ima li nekoga ko ima instaliran vmware?
[ axez @ 28.03.2005. 22:50 ] @
Majke ti..koji ti distro teras kad imas gcc-2.9xx
Svi su odavno presli na 3.xx verzije
[ biotech @ 28.03.2005. 23:36 ] @
fora je u tome sto ja imam 3.3 ali je kernel kompajliran sa 2.95 pa onda kod vecine instalacija i kompajliranja drajvera i programa mi pravi problem...a inace knoppix 3.7,mislim da je najnoviji.
[ axez @ 29.03.2005. 09:08 ] @
Pa jesi li ti instalirao taj knoppix na HDD...ako jesi onda rekompajliraj fuckin kernel sa gcc-3...i gotovo
[ biotech @ 29.03.2005. 11:06 ] @
nemam pojma kako se to radi!?
[ mmirilovic @ 29.03.2005. 11:06 ] @
Evo rešenja!

Knoppix dolazi sa dve različite verzija gcc-a. Jedna od njih je 2.95, druga
3.3. Default je gcc-3.3, jer je gcc link na njega. Sve
što treba uraditi je da se link gcc preusmeri na gcc-2.95.

ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-2.95 /usr/bin/gcc
[ biotech @ 29.03.2005. 22:57 ] @

posle ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-2.95 /usr/bin/gcc


/usr/bin/gcc :file already exists :(

opet nesto ne valja...posle sam se setio da sam i ja tu nesto ranije muljao i potrazio sam fajl gcc-2.55 i ispostavilo se da je prazan(0 kb)...mozda sam ja nesto zajebao.
e bas sam se obradovao....pomislio sam da je to resenje....
[ biotech @ 30.03.2005. 10:41 ] @
instalirao sam ponovo knoppix i uradio sledece
rm gcc
ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-2.95 /usr/bin/gcc

i uspesno instalirao vmware :)))))

hvala mmirllivic-u!
[ mmirilovic @ 30.03.2005. 14:49 ] @
Nisi morao da reinstaliraš sistem. rm si mogao odmah da uradiš!