[ ddz @ 16.04.2005. 15:13 ] @

Zaštita od spama, pomoću samouništavajućih email adresa. Nije loša ideja, doduše, adrese su malo kriptične...

Protect yourself from spam in three easy steps:

1. If you haven't done it yet, create a spamgourmet account. Enter your user name and the email address you want to be protected. You will be asked to identify the word in a picture and pick a password.

2. Spamgourmet will forward to this address all the emails sent to your spamgourmet disposable addresses -- that way you don't have to tell anyone else what it is -- this is why it's called the protected address. Of course, this protected address must exist. That's why you have to confirm it. You'll receive an email asking you to confirm.

3. After you have confirmed your protected address, you can give out self-destructing disposable email addresses whenever you want. The disposable addresses are like:

[email protected]

where someword is a word you have never used before, x is the number of email messages you want to receive at this address (up to 20), and user is your username.
[ techtris @ 17.04.2005. 10:47 ] @
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