[ Tyler Durden @ 05.07.2002. 13:22 ] @
imam red hat 7.1 i lucent modem prije par dana sam rekompjalirao kernel i morao sam zbog toga da reinstaliram drajevere za modem skinuo sam ovaj driver http://www.heby.de/ltmodem i instalirao ali ne mogu da se prikacim na net on prepozna modem i pocne da bira broj, ali kad dodje do loggin on the network pukne veza i odmah cim se ispise ono "loggin on the network" i izbaci mi poruku "kppp deamon died unexpectedly exit report: 4 " i da pogledam man kppp ili na jednu web stranicu FAQ mislim da je u ovome problem, ovo sam nasao tokom kompajliranja drivera Checking for any preliminary complications. Bad links to /usr/include not evident. Kernel config file not recognized. For the Red hat Linux distribution, there are four alternative kernel config files within the folder /usr/src/linux/configs/ The kernel-header set to be used in this driver compile MUST flavor match of your current kernel as displayed by: uname -r Otherwise ./build_module will succeed and ./ltinst2 also. But there will be a failure during the system update depmod -a included within ./autoload To check this issue if desirable, abort with Ctrl-C or to continue: Enter |