[ aleksandaraleksandar @ 11.08.2005. 16:26 ] @
Ko je koristio vesti preko http://news.google.com/nwshp?hl=en&ned=us i svojevremeno aktivirao mogucnost slanja vesti prema kljucnoj reci na mail http://www.google.com/alerts?hl=en od danas moze da prati vesti, prema kljucnoj reci, i preko rss-a (rss, atom).

na adresi http://news.google.com/ ukucajte zeljenu rec i osim vesti, i mogucnosti "news alert-a" na mail, pojavice se i dva linka: RSS | Atom

primeri za kljucnu rec [srbija] i [serbia]

prva vest sa prvog linka:
... Telekom Srbija is building a new metro area network using the RS8000 and RS8600 Ethernet routers that will provide triple-play services to both residential and ...

prva vest sa drugog linka:
Serbia: Attacks against Roma
Dzeno Association, Czech Republic - 1 hour ago
A recent spate of violent attacks against Roma citizens in Serbia has raised concern that racial hatred is growing.

Više na: http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2005/08/fill-in-blanks.html