[ DRAGOMIR_013(PA) @ 13.08.2005. 20:55 ] @
jel moze neko da mi posalje na e-mail podesavanja za ovo cudo?moj e-mail je [email protected]
[ LaMpiR @ 13.08.2005. 21:34 ] @
Pa zar nebi bilo logicnije da mi posaljes login info za shell pa ti da podesim ?

moj config za neostats

## Configuration file for NeoStats
## Created: Wed, Jun 15 2005 - 06:59:13 EDT
## NeoStats Copyright (c) 1999-2005, Adam Rutter, Justin Hammond, Mark Hetherington
## Web: http://www.NeoStats.Net
## File Revision: 3.0

#Each of the options has an indicator as follows:
# [REQUIRED] - must be set or NeoStats will not run.
# [RECOMMENDED] - optional but may cause problems if not set.
# [OPTIONAL] - optional and the feature will be disabled if not set.
# [DISCOURAGED] - may cause undesirable side effects if enabled.
#Although we have included instructions for each setting in this file
#you should refer to the README file for more information

# IRCd Linking Configuration #

# PROTOCOL <protocol> [REQUIRED]
# Specifies the protocol module to use.
# Valid protocol options are:
# bahamut client hybrid7 ircup10
# liquid mystic neoircd quantum
# ultimate2 ultimate3 unreal31 unreal32
# viagra
# PROTOCOL "unreal32"

PROTOCOL "unreal32"

# DBM <dbm> [REQUIRED]
# Specifies the database manager module to use.
# Valid options are:
# gdbm
# DBM "gdbm"

DBM "gdbm"

# Specifies the nick of the NeoStats root bot
# e.g.
# ROOT_NICK NeoStats
# When NeoStats links, it create a root bot with nick NeoStats

ROOT_NICK "NeoStats"

# Specifies the name of the NeoStats Server as it will appear on
# the network. e.g.
# SERVER_NAME stats.neostats.net
# When NeoStats links, it will appear as stats.neostats.net.

SERVER_NAME stats.yumirc.net

# SERVER_PORT <port number> [REQUIRED]
# Specifies the port to connect to on the IRC Server e.g.
# When connecting, NeoStats will connect to port 6667


# CONNECT_TO <ip address> [REQUIRED]
# Specifies the IP address to connect to. e.g.
# This will force stats to connect to


# CONNECT_PASS <link password> [REQUIRED]
# Specifies the password used to connect. This must match your C/N
# lines in your IRCD configuration e.g.
# CONNECT_PASS linkpass
# Send "linkpass" as the password to connect


# Specify the description of the server that
# appears when you do /links e.g.
# SERVER_INFOLINE Network Auxiliary Services


# Specify the numeric of the server to send on connect.
# This must be a value between 1 and 254, and must not be in use by
# any other IRC server on the network.


# NeoStats Configuration #

# SERVICES_CHAN #<channel name> [REQUIRED]
# Specify the channel that all bots on NeoStats
# will automatically join, and echo out any
# important information e.g.
# SERVICES_CHAN #services
# Makes NeoStats, and all the other bots join #services channel on
# start-up/load.


# If this is in the neostats.conf your NeoStats WILL NOT START UP. To
# disable this simply comment this line out. e.g.
# NO_LOAD <- NeoStats will not load.
# #NO_LOAD <- NeoStats will load.


# Specify if the bots should send all messages as privmsgs or as
# notices (Most Services use notice) e.g.
# If present, will send all messages as privmsgs (if commented out,
# it will send as Notices) *NOTE:* This option Violates IRC RFC, and
# can cause flooding problems on your network. Its NOT recommended.


# If NeoStats server gets split from the network, how long to wait
# before attempting to reconnect to the network. A value of 0 will
# cause NeoStats to shutdown and not attempt to reconnect. e.g.
# Specifies wait 10 seconds before trying to reconnect
# Tells NeoStats to never reconnect to the network
# If not specified, NeoStats will default to 10 seconds.


# Restrict NeoStats and StatServ to opers use only.
# If not specified, users will have some access to NeoStats
# and StatServ commands. e.g.
# Only opers may use NeoStats and StatServ.


# Make NeoStats bind to a particular IP Address. If not
# specified NeoStats will attempt to find this address
# itself. e.g.
# All outgoing connections from NeoStats will originate from this
# IP address
# This IP address should not be localhost (


# Defines the format for dated log files. This allows you to choose
# what date format is used for log file names when they are rotated at
# midnight. The option uses the parameters passed to strftime so you
# can use any options valid for that function. Common ones are:
# %a Abbreviated weekday name
# %A Full weekday name
# %b Abbreviated month name
# %B Full month name
# %d Day of month as decimal number (01 – 31)
# %m Month as decimal number (01 – 12)
# %y Year without century, as decimal number (00 – 99)
# %Y Year with century, as decimal number
# Examples using 30 September 2003 as the date:
# For NeoStats0930.log:
# For NeoStats20030930.log:
# If not defined, the default is the original NeoStats log format of
# "-%m-%d" i.e. NeoStats-09-30.log


# Cause NeoStats to sync server times at the given interval
# INTERVAL is an integer representing the number of hours
# Examples
# Cause NeoStats to sync server times every 24 hours
# If not present, NeoStats will not sync times.
# This option only works on servers that support this and
# defaults to a sync interval of 24 hours. Enabling this
# option will also cause NeoStats to sync servers when it
# first joins the network.


# Module Configurations and Loading #

# LOAD_MODULE <module name> [OPTIONAL]
# What modules to load at start-up. e.g.
# LOAD_MODULE statserv
# Will load up StatServ at boot
# Multiple instances of LOAD_MODULE may be specified
# We have provided example lines for convenience for
# official modules but you must download and install
# external modules before trying to load them.

# StatServ, maintain and report various networks statistics
LOAD_MODULE statserv

# LoveServ, send a rose, hug, kiss, etc to that special IRC somebody
#LOAD_MODULE loveserv

# HostServ, vhost services for users
#LOAD_MODULE hostserv

# MoraleServ, fun module to cheer people up.
#LOAD_MODULE moraleserv

# ConnectServ, monitor connections to the network: user connections, oper
# modes, server connections and nick changes.
LOAD_MODULE connectserv

# IRCdauth, authenticate users based on their user modes.
#LOAD_MODULE ircdauth

# Extauth, authenticate users based on nick!user@host access lists
#LOAD_MODULE extauth

# SecureServ. You must download and install SecureServ first.
LOAD_MODULE secureserv

# OPSB. You must download and install OPSB first.

# LogServ. You must download and install LogServ first.
#LOAD_MODULE logserv

# TriviaServ. You must download and install TriviaServ first.
#LOAD_MODULE triviaserv

# NeoStats ROOT user #

#SERVICE_ROOT <nick!ident@host> [REQUIRED]
# Who should get master access to manage NeoStats regardless of
# authentication systems. Only one entry allowed. e.g.
# SERVICE_ROOT fish!?Fish@*.neostats.net
# Will give "fish" complete access to NeoStats if fish has
# umode +r and comes from the specified hostname and ident.


## End of Configuration ##

[ DRAGOMIR_013(PA) @ 13.08.2005. 22:39 ] @
ja drzim server na winu(na mom kompu) i podesio sam ovo po tvom samo sam nesto izmeno i radi,jel treba negede da mi se prikaze da je ucitano ili kako meni nista ne pokazuje dok je anope pokazzao i kako sada da ubacim open proxy scanner ?
[ LaMpiR @ 14.08.2005. 12:01 ] @
The current version can not run on Windows. The development versions (3.0) have windows support so far.

Stvarno ti ne mogu pomoci jer nisam radio sa neostats na windowsu...
[ J4k1 @ 25.08.2005. 18:52 ] @
Treba da ti pokaze da je je neostats startovan. Kucas lepo /links i tu bi trebalo da ti pise da je neostats u linku, ako pise onda je sve ok. Mada posto kazes da ti nije nista prikazao verovatno nije pokrenut. Predpostavljam da se podrazumeva da pored podesavanja neostats conf fajla stavis u unrealircd.conf link ka neostats ako to nisi uradio onda ti verovatno zbog toga i ne radi.. Open proxy scaner kad skines konfigurises i kucas na tom svom serveru /msg neostats load obsp ili mozes da u neostats.conf dodas "LOAD_MODULE OPSB" i tako ce ti ga startovati odmah pri podizanju neostat-a.