[ maxell @ 14.08.2005. 10:20 ] @
Cuo sam da je posao na prekookeanskim krstaricama postao aktuelan kod nas. Ima li ko iskustva u ovom poslu? Koji su uslovi? Koliko se placa da bi dobio posao? Kolika je mogucnost zarade? Koje su mane? ...? |
[ maxell @ 14.08.2005. 10:20 ] @
[ djk494 @ 14.08.2005. 15:47 ] @
Mislim da se tim poslovima bavi agencija www.sea-agency.com iz Beograda, pronadji na njihovom siteu brojeve telefona pa se raspitaj.
Ja nisam licno bio na brodu ali sam se raspitivao. Plata IT Manager-a na brodu je $2700 (solidno IT znanje, posao tehnicara-helpdeska, dobar engleski), barmena (barmenke konkretno, perfektan engleski i dobro iskustvo) $1600. Posao je poprilicno tezak (pogotovo ako radis neki fizicki posao kao pranje sudova) posto ti je radno vreme 10-12 sati svaki dan (i vikendom) pa tako npr. 6 meseci. Sa druge strane imas stan, hranu, uniformu, mozes zaista da ustedis neku paru, Karibi, Bahami, Jamaika, dosta razlicitih kultura itd. Evo ti i dva meni interesantna linka: http://klika.blogger.ba/ Svi http://www.carnival.com/CMS/Fun_Jobs/ccl_fun_jobs_landing.aspx i IT poslovi http://www.carnival.com/cms/Static_Templates/ISrecruit2.aspx U Carnival-u Pozdrav [ BillyTheKid_79 @ 12.08.2006. 19:07 ] @
Da oživim temu!!
Ima neko neku informaciju u vezi IT posla na brodu!? Koja kinta,uslovi,linkovi itd....... Zna nekog ko je bio itd.... [ user999 @ 07.01.2008. 18:40 ] @
Posao na brodovima je dostupan svim ljudima iz bivse Juge vec desetljecima.
Sve kategorije poslova su zastupljene. Zanima te IT? Evo sto trebas imati: Our Information Systems organization has been voted in the Top 100 Best Places to Work by Computerworld Magazine. As a leader in technology, work culture and leadership, IT is a key factor in the success of Royal Caribbean and Celebrity Cruises. We are currently looking for an experienced Data Security Engineer to join our high performance team. The Security Engineer position will provide technical assistance with the design, installation, service and maintenance of the enterprise security systems and to ensure security standards compliance for IT corporate infrastructure. As a hands-on technical specialist, daily duties and responsibilities will include: firewall, IPS and VPN systems administration, vulnerability management, scanning and assessments, proxy server and content filtering administration, project security reviews, anti-virus and anti-spyware systems, establishment of Java/J2EE application development security best practices and some Java coding, troubleshooting and related technical information security tasks. This person will also analyze and resolve security breaches and vulnerability issues in a timely and accurate fashion, and conduct user activity audits where required. Experience Level: 5+ Years Requirements: Well-developed analytical and troubleshooting skills and an ability to translate technical data into practical business solutions. Must be able to communicate effectively at any level of the organization. Must have a strong network infrastructure, systems and administration background and a familiarity with application and network level security practices. It is essential to have a foundation in good information security practices as well as a consultative nature, pleasant client facing appearance. Working knowledge of IT security for Firewalls, IPS, Proxy Servers/Content Filters, VPN's, Windows 2000/2003 and at least 1-2+ years of recent Java/J2EE security and application development background. Must be able to work independently to solve problems using appropriate methods and channels in a timely manner, thinking strategically to creatively provide solutions and ideas, while considering a broad range of internal and external factors. Must be willing and able to act collaboratively in teams including other areas of IT and the business to recommend, establish and maintain a level of information security that is appropriate to the business needs. Preferred: Identity Management administration and development experience Industry standard Information Security certifications: CISSP and/or GIAC Requirements: Preferred skills Information Technology Level of education required Bachelors This is Full Time Position located in FL-Fort Lauderdale Relevant experience 6-8 years Preferred Language English Copyright (C) 2001-2025 by www.elitesecurity.org. All rights reserved.