[ fanfon @ 08.09.2005. 14:09 ] @
U opciji Maintenance, gde se podesava rad stampaca(Quiet mode, Custom settings i ostalo) su mi sve te opcije zablokirane. Mogu da pokrenem one za ciscenje stamapaca ali da podesim tihi rad nema sanse.Probao sam da ponovo instaliram drajvere i opet isto. Gde moze biti problem?
[ Bojanc @ 08.09.2005. 16:12 ] @
Jesi reinstalirao samo drajvere ili si reinstalirao celu aplikaciju?
[ fanfon @ 08.09.2005. 22:24 ] @
Sve komplet i opet nece. Stvarno ne znam sta moze biti a bas mi je potreban tihi rad stampaca. Ima li neko ideju?
[ Joseph B. @ 09.09.2005. 08:00 ] @
Probaj da instaliras na neki drugi racunar. Stvarno sam ih puno popravljao, ali ovu gresku prvi put cujem...
Ako ni tamo ne radi, probaj da skines drajver sa canonovog sajta. Treba ti samo drajver. Oko 8Mb je.
[ fanfon @ 09.09.2005. 13:56 ] @
Mozda sam negde pogresio. U help topic-u pise za quiet mode:

Quiet Mode

1. Click Quiet Mode on the Maintenance tab.

The Quiet Mode dialog box appears.

2. Select one of the following settings:

Do not use quiet mode

The printer is not quieted.

Always use quiet mode

The printer is quieted.

Use quiet mode within specified time

The printer is quieted during the specified period of time.
Specify the Start time and End time when the quiet mode function is to be used.


If the time specified in Start time is the same as the time specified in End time, these times are invalid.
If you are using NT 4.0, set the start and end time with if you cannot enter values directly.

3. Make sure the printer is powered and then click Send.

4. When a confirmation message appears, click OK.

After this, the selected setting takes effect.

When test printing is performed directly from the operation panel on the printer, the printer may not be quieted even if Use quiet mode within specified time is selected. This is because the printer cannot recognize time by itself.
Users who have not been granted access permission for printer management cannot change the Quiet Mode setting. The same applies when the setup screen is opened from an application software.

Ja otvorim neki dokument, udjem u file, pa print i tu onda izaberem properties i maintenance i naravno, nece. Ali, sta mu znaci ova zadnja recenica za dozvolu. Da ne mogu pristupiti opcijama ako ih otvorim preko nekog dokumenta(kako sam vec napisao) ili nesto drugo?
[ Joseph B. @ 09.09.2005. 14:53 ] @
Treba da udjes u start/control panel/printers & faxes/ canon ip1500 desni klik pa properties.
Tamo izaberes maintenance tab i imaces ta podesavanja...
Javi sta je bilo.
[ fanfon @ 09.09.2005. 20:12 ] @
To je to. Svaka cast! A ja lupam glavu koji mu je djavo. Bas ti hvala.
[ Joseph B. @ 12.09.2005. 07:24 ] @
U svako doba...