[ demonkrata @ 26.09.2005. 14:33 ] @
zdravo svima,
Kako da umesto background = "#333333" ubacim bgimage="nesto.gif" a da to lepo radi??

evo koda:
base = ""
background = "#333333"
banner = "#666666"
text = "#FFFFFF"
link = "#CCFFFF"
alink = "#000000"
vlink = "#FF6600"
date = "12/21/04">

[ jablan @ 26.09.2005. 14:41 ] @
Evo ja sam ubacio umesto tebe, da se ne mučiš:
base = ""
banner = "#666666"
text = "#FFFFFF"
link = "#CCFFFF"
alink = "#000000"
vlink = "#FF6600"
date = "12/21/04">

A sad ozbiljno: postavi pitanje jasnije (koji jezik, koja platforma itd.) da bi ti neko pomogao.
[ demonkrata @ 26.09.2005. 19:53 ] @
Jablane imas pravo! Izvinjavam se!
XML+Flash su u pitanju.
... bgimage="nesto.gif" ne sljaka dobijem crn bg sto nema veze sa bg slikom koju zelim ubaciti.Probao sam vise njih ista stvar.Od fajlova imam ovo:

1.photos . xml-----------------------------------------------------------------

base = ""
background = "#841313"
banner = "#E48F8F"
text = "#170303"
link = "#9B9BD5"
alink = "#FAF8F8"
vlink = "#FDF5FD"
date = "26/09/2005">

<security><![CDATA[]]> </security>

<banner font = "Arial" fontsize = "3" color = "#E48F8F"> </banner>
<thumbnail base ="thumbnails/" font = "Arial" fontsize = "4" color = "#E48F8F" border = "0" rows = "3" col = "5"> </thumbnail>
<large base ="images/" font = "Arial" fontsize = "3" color = "#E48F8F" border = "0"> </large>
<images id = "images">

path = "prva.jpg"
width = "262"
height = "350"
thumbpath = "prava.jpg"
thumbwidth = "56"
thumbheight = "75">

2. galleryconfig. xml-----------------------------------------------------------

?xml version="1.0"?

<!-- penner equasion for zooming in and out -->
<var symboltype="string" name="zoomEasing" value="easeOutQuint" />
<!-- how long in seconds should thumbs to zoom in and out -->
<var symboltype="number" name="zoomTime" value=".8" />
<!--color (in hex) of the main image preloader-->
<var symboltype="string" name="imagePreloadColor" value="#ff0000" />

<!-- width (in pixels) of the gap between nav images -->
<var symboltype="number" name="navSpacing" value="10" />
<!-- range for rotation of thumbs on initial layout -->
<var symboltype="number" name="navRotationRange" value="10" />
<!--size (in pixels) of the main image border-->
<var symboltype="number" name="bordersize" value="8" />
<!--size (in pixels) for the thumbnail borders-->
<var symboltype="number" name="navBordersize" value="2" />

<!-- rotationActive -->
<var symboltype="boolean" name="rotationActive" value="true" />
<!-- maximum allowed rotation -->
<var symboltype="number" name="maxRotation" value="20" />
<!-- rotation responsiveness (greater means tighter, less means 'looser' -->
<var symboltype="number" name="rotationResponce" value=".25" />

<!-- how long (in ms) to wait before unloading an inactive fullsized image
// long periods on large galleries with large images can really load up the memory -->
<var symboltype="number" name="unloadInterval" value="3000" />
<!--hold time for each image-->
<var symboltype="number" name="showTime" value="4" />

<!-- height (in pixels ) of navigator widget -->
<var symboltype="number" name="navigatorWidth" value="80" />
<!--open the controller menu by default-->
<var symboltype="boolean" name="showController" value="true" />
<!--display help(info) toggle button-->
<var symboltype="boolean" name="showHelpButton" value="true" />
<!--display thumbnail/nav toggle button-->
<var symboltype="boolean" name="showNavButton" value="true" />
<!--play sound-->
<var symboltype="boolean" name="playSound" value="false" />
<!--path to desired audio file-->
<var symboltype="string" name="mp3file" value="useraudio.mp3" />
<!--controller Scale (in percentage)-->
<var symboltype="number" name="controlScale" value="100" />

<!-- EMBED FONT -->
<var symboltype="boolean" name="embedFont" value="false" />


3 flashobjects.js---------------------------------------------------------------

FlashObject = function(swf, id, w, h, ver, c) {
this.swf = swf;
this.id = id;
this.width = w;
this.height = h;
this.version = ver || 6; // default to 6
this.align = "middle"; // default to middle
this.redirect = "";
this.sq = document.location.search.split("?")[1] || "";
this.altTxt = "Please <a href='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer'>upgrade your Flash Player</a>.";
this.bypassTxt = "<p>Already have Flash Player? <a href='?detectflash=false&"+ this.sq +"'>Click here if you have Flash Player "+ this.version +" installed</a>.</p>";
this.params = new Object();
this.variables = new Object();
if (c) this.color = this.addParam('bgcolor', c);
this.addParam('quality', 'high'); // default to high
this.doDetect = getQueryParamValue('detectflash');

FlashObject.prototype.addParam = function(name, value) {
this.params[name] = value;

FlashObject.prototype.getParams = function() {
return this.params;

FlashObject.prototype.getParam = function(name) {
return this.params[name];

FlashObject.prototype.addVariable = function(name, value) {
this.variables[name] = value;

FlashObject.prototype.getVariable = function(name) {
return this.variables[name];

FlashObject.prototype.getVariables = function() {
return this.variables;

FlashObject.prototype.getParamTags = function() {
var paramTags = "";
for (var param in this.getParams()) {
paramTags += '<param name="' + param + '" value="' + this.getParam(param) + '" />';
if (paramTags == "") {
paramTags = null;
return paramTags;

FlashObject.prototype.getHTML = function() {
var flashHTML = "";
if (window.ActiveXObject && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac') == -1) { // PC IE
flashHTML += '<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="' + this.width + '" height="' + this.height + '" id="' + this.id + '" align="' + this.align + '">';
flashHTML += '<param name="movie" value="' + this.swf + '" />';
if (this.getParamTags() != null) {
flashHTML += this.getParamTags();
if (this.getVariablePairs() != null) {
flashHTML += '<param name="flashVars" value="' + this.getVariablePairs() + '" />';
flashHTML += '</object>';
else { // Everyone else
flashHTML += '<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="' + this.swf + '" width="' + this.width + '" height="' + this.height + '" id="' + this.id + '" align="' + this.align + '"';
for (var param in this.getParams()) {
flashHTML += ' ' + param + '="' + this.getParam(param) + '"';
if (this.getVariablePairs() != null) {
flashHTML += ' flashVars="' + this.getVariablePairs() + '"';
flashHTML += '></embed>';
return flashHTML;

FlashObject.prototype.getVariablePairs = function() {
var variablePairs = new Array();
for (var name in this.getVariables()) {
variablePairs.push(name + "=" + escape(this.getVariable(name)));
if (variablePairs.length > 0) {
return variablePairs.join("&");
else {
return null;

FlashObject.prototype.write = function(elementId) {
if(detectFlash(this.version) || this.doDetect=='false') {
if (elementId) {
document.getElementById(elementId).innerHTML = this.getHTML();
} else {
} else {
if (this.redirect != "") {
} else {
if (elementId) {
document.getElementById(elementId).innerHTML = this.altTxt +""+ this.bypassTxt;
} else {
document.write(this.altTxt +""+ this.bypassTxt);

function getFlashVersion() {
var flashversion = 0;
if (navigator.plugins && navigator.plugins.length) {
var x = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"];
if (x.description) {
var y = x.description;
flashversion = y.charAt(y.indexOf('.')-1);
} else {
result = false;
for(var i = 15; i >= 3 && result != true; i--){
execScript('on error resume next: result = IsObject(CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.'+i+'"))','VBScript');
flashversion = i;
return flashversion;

function detectFlash(ver) {
if (getFlashVersion() >= ver) {
return true;
} else {
return false;

// get value of querystring param
function getQueryParamValue(param) {
var q = document.location.search;
var detectIndex = q.indexOf(param);
var endIndex = (q.indexOf("&", detectIndex) != -1) ? q.indexOf("&", detectIndex) : q.length;
if(q.length > 1 && detectIndex != -1) {
return q.substring(q.indexOf("=", detectIndex)+1, endIndex);
} else {
return "";

/* add Array.push if needed */
if(Array.prototype.push == null){
Array.prototype.push = function(item){
this[this.length] = item;
return this.length;

4.photos . js ---------------------------------------------------------------

WPGgallery = new Object();
WPGgallery.name = "galerija";
WPGgallery.photographer = "ja";
WPGgallery.contact = "";
WPGgallery.email = "";
WPGgallery.date = "26/09/2005"

WPGgallery.colors = new Object();
WPGgallery.colors.background = "#841313";
WPGgallery.colors.banner = "#E48F8F";
WPGgallery.colors.text = "#170303";
WPGgallery.colors.link = "#9B9BD5";
WPGgallery.colors.alink = "#FAF8F8";
WPGgallery.colors.vlink = "#FDF5FD";

gPhotos = new Array();
gPhotos[0] = new Object();
gPhotos[0].filename = "prva.jpg";
gPhotos[0].ImageWidth = 262;
gPhotos[0].ImageHeight = 350;
gPhotos[0].ThumbWidth = 56;
gPhotos[0].ThumbHeight = 75;
gPhotos[0].meta = new Object();

-------hvala unapred ----------
[ jablan @ 27.09.2005. 08:14 ] @
A možda ta galerija nema podršku za background image?
[ demonkrata @ 28.09.2005. 09:15 ] @
nema.moze li se napraviti ?
[ jablan @ 28.09.2005. 09:43 ] @
Može, ako imaš sors, i ako smeš da ga menjaš. U tom slučaju, pitanje je za Flash forum.