[ zuz @ 12.11.2005. 01:12 ] @
| Evo da priupitam o ovoj kameri HDR-FX1 koju cu si moci priustiti krajem feburara ili u martu 2006. Naime dizem jedan mali kredit u iznosu od 2500 eura sa namjerom da kupim ovu ljepoticu sa ciljem nekakve dodatne zarade u vidu snimanja onog sto ljudi pozele (proslave, svadbe, rodjendane, prezentacije, sahrane, itd). Ono sto me privuklo na ovoj kameri je mogucnost prebacivanja izmedju HDV i DV formata, mada mislim da ce za siru upotrebu HDV-a u nasim domacinstvima ipak trebati vremena. Nadalje svidja mi se manuelni audio level i manuelni zoom te mnoge druge opcije. XLR port mi nije u ovom trenutku toliko bitan, nego mi je vazno a nisam uspio naci na netu test o low light performansama ove kamere. Ako neko ima link ili licno iskustvo volio bih da to podijeli i uopste da li je ova kamera vrijedna tih novaca.
Hvala unaprijed.
[Ovu poruku je menjao zuz dana 12.11.2005. u 02:13 GMT+1] |
[ Cyman @ 12.11.2005. 06:59 ] @
Low Light Performance
Since we weren't able to take the HDR-FX1 into our testing environment, we can't say a ton about the low light performance of the HDR-FX1. However, if we follow Sony's ratings, it should be very good. Sony has said that the minimum lux for the HDR-FX1 is 3. They've also said that the low-light performance of the HDR-FX1 falls between their DCR-VX1000 (with a minimum lux rating of 1) and their DCR-HC1000 (with a minimum lux rating of 5). If it does, that's great news. The DCR-VX2100 is the highest-rated camcorder on CamcorderInfo.com for low light performance, and the DCR-HC1000 is in the top five. If the HDR-FX1 performs at a minimum lux rating of 3, it will have awesome low light performance, which will make it an even more amazing camcorder.
[ nevio_zg @ 15.11.2005. 15:18 ] @
Da li netko zna ima li hdr-fx1 mogucnost snimanja 24 sličice u skundi progresivno jer kupio sam vx2100 koju by the way prodajem a najbolje bi bilo kada bi bila neka zamjena za hdr-fx1 uz nadoplatu kamera je malo korištena ima full opremu i garanciju godinu dana i 10 mjeseci
[ Cyman @ 16.11.2005. 06:28 ] @
CineFrame24 and 30 Mode
This is an attempt by Sony to cater to those independent filmmakers seeking the "film look" with a 24 frames-per-second progressive scan shooting mode. Although the HDR-FX1 does not have a true 24P or 30P filming mode, the CineFrame24 and Cineframe30 modes replicate many of the motion artifacts and the "look" of 24P and 30P, respectively. The CineFrame 24P mode on the HDR-FX1 is enhanced over the 24P effect mode that some users will remember from Sony's DCR-PC350 because it does a 2:3:2:3 pull-down instead of a 2:3:3:2 pull down. When I tested the HDR-FX1's Cineframe24 mode, I did not see the same jerkyness that I found on the DCR-PC350. That is, although any 24P mode will have a certain jitter to it, the DCR-PC350 had an odd "beat" to its jitter that was unnatural. I wasn't able to identify any such "beat" on the HDR-FX1, and the footage looked noticeably better. I think that for the majority of users, the CineFrame24 mode will do a fine job of giving you that 24-frames progressive scan look, while still of course delivering HD resolution -- something the Panasonic AG-DVX100 and the Canon XL2 can't do!
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