[ Carnivore @ 05.01.2006. 15:57 ] @
Na USA trzistu se pojavio Palm Treo 700w s Windows Mobile operativnim sistemom.

Vise ne zvanicnim stranicama


[Ovu poruku je menjao Carnivore dana 05.01.2006. u 17:01 GMT+1]
[ Sumnjiv @ 11.01.2006. 14:41 ] @
Kriticari New York Timesa i Wall Street Journal-a su ovaj uredjaj prilicno lose ocenili. Evo par citata:

"a Frankensteinian mishmash"
"Alas, even after all that plastic surgery, you can't escape the fact that you're basically running Windows".
"Every time you open a program, it stays open in the background, even if you close its window. Sooner or later, you'll run into the "Program Memory Low" error message, requiring you to shut down programs manually in a special list box".
"New Palm Treo Uses Microsoft's Software, but it doesn't beat the (PalmOS powered) Treo 650"
"Despite some nice new features, the Windows Mobile software is still inferior to the Palm software for one-handed use on the go. Its crucial email and phone functions are also weaker".
"a serious bug in its email software"
"is neither as easy to use nor as powerful as the Treo 650"

Hmm, ja sam bas mislio da ce ovaj uredjaj biti spoj odlicnog Palm hardvera i novog WIn 5.0 OS -a, izgleda da nisu bas mnogo postigli.
[ atari @ 13.01.2006. 02:01 ] @
cekamo da izadje sledaca varjanta sa linuxom, pa da zamenimo 650