[ JHBX @ 18.02.2006. 17:13 ] @
Kad otvaram OE pojavi se prozor upozorenja sa porukom:
OE could not be started. The application was unable to open OE message store. Your computer may be out of memory or your disk is full…

Potom se pojavi drugi prozor koji kaze:
OE could not be started because MSOE.DLL could not be initialized. OE may not be instaledd correctly.

[ Deda_Mraz @ 22.02.2006. 23:20 ] @
Jel to prvi put startuješ OE ili si ga ranije koristio pa ti se odjednom pojavila ta greška?
[ ale2handro @ 23.02.2006. 11:49 ] @
Probaj da ga reinstaliras.