[ aleksandaraleksandar @ 23.05.2006. 14:54 ] @
Tiltomo is an experimental search engine that works in just this fashion, allowing you to find similar images in two ways. You can search for images that have similar color and texture characteristics, or you can look for images with similar "themes," which adds an analysis of subject matter to the color/texture mix.

pretrazivanje slika prema boji i teksturi:

The Power of Yellow & Blue - http://www.tiltomo.com/index.p...f=&fbase=c&mode=visual
Reach for the Sky - http://www.tiltomo.com/index.p...d&slider=5&mode=visual
I Love Orange - http://www.tiltomo.com/index.p...c&slider=5&mode=visual

prema "temama":

A Taste of Asia - http://www.tiltomo.com/index.p...2235&mode=theme&user=0
Look at Me - http://www.tiltomo.com/index.p...=d&slider=5&mode=theme
Water Droplets - http://www.tiltomo.com/index.p...2345&mode=theme&user=0
