[ Mario @ 23.01.2003. 23:06 ] @
| Neznam da li Vam je stizalo ovo:Stize mi vec nekoliko dana na sve mailove...Zna li neko o cemu se radi?
From :
"ifeanyieze6" <[email protected]>
To :
"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <[email protected]>
Subject :
contact me please
Date :
Thu, 23 Jan 03 22:48:43 Pacific Standard Time
PRIVATE EMAIL:[email protected]
CHURCH EMAIL:[email protected]
Dear brethren,
I am writing you this letter in view of the fact that we could be of
assistance to each other, bringing the riches of the gentiles for good
purpose in accordance to the will of the lord, Most High God. Amen.
Firstly, considering the urgency required to ensure success of the
transaction I am about to explain to you, I found your email through email
list, and considered it a privilege to solicit for your assistance in
realizing the business, as I do not have any other contact to realize
It is important to note that I am not embarking in this project out of
But out burning desire to do Gods work, through providing charity in
accordance with biblical principles to the helpless orphan, and the
rejected and dejected disabled people, and also not scam as I have arranged
to sell the jewelry in my possession and also mortgage church property
to send to cover all expenses including legal fee and administrative
fee. For your security, and the success of this transaction, all the
banking will be done securely offshore to prevent undue question by your
bank or your country’s government due to the amount involved. If I
requested for any money from you please report me to the FBI or to the
authority of your country.
I am by name brother Uwom Oluigbo, church assistance and housekeeper to
late Rev. Dr.Simon wood, a foreign missionary nationalized in Nigeria,
and president of Love of Christ Assembly, and Outreach for the Poor and
the Disabled, being a volunteer, Christian charity organization
primarily involved in providing support for the less privileged, handicapped
and orphaned children and widows alike.
Late Rev. Dr.Simon Wood received donation from international charity
organizations, churches, government corporations, businesses and
individuals from all part of the world to help in providing food, medication,
and in provision of skill development and small scale ventures to enable
handicapped people to engage in meaningful activities. A total of
Eleven million United state dollars (11, 000,000USD) was realized which he
(late Rev.Dr.Simon) had projected to invest in sustainable agriculture,
and multi-fruit processing plant, and self help projects to give life
meaning to the handicapped and orphaned people.
Late Rev. Dr. Simon Wood was murdered in the recent bomb explosion,
which took place at Ikeja military cantonment (Lagos, Nigeria) ammunition
depot affecting the entire Ikeja area, burning houses, and killing
thousands of innocent people in different places in Lagos State, Nigeria.
Love of God Assembly building collapsed killing many of the disabled
people including Rev. Dr. Simon Wood.
Late Rev. Dr. Simon Wood was very committed to help the poor and lived
a life of total service for the upkeep of the handicapped and the less
privileged. He did not marry, and did not have children. I am the
housekeeper and his assistance. He did not make any will and also did not
leave information about his relatives. The entire balance of 11 million
United state dollars exists in his personal account, which nobody knows
about expect me, and the news of his death has spread as he was know to
be a friend and hope of the poor and handicapped.
The bankers are honestly waiting for anybody that has correct
information who is the next of kin. You do not need to be a relative to be the
next of kin to late Rev.Dr.Simon Wood.
I have worked out perfect arrangement that is safe and quick to enable
us claim the funds, because if we do not the corrupt government
officials will divert the fund to private purses and never for any orphan or
handicapped person. Nigeria government is very corrupt and indifferent
to the poor and helpless people. Please verify these facts
I will offer you 20 percent for assistance, 5 percent for settlement of
any expenses incurred during the transfer period, 40 percent will be
used later to found my own charity organization to continue for the
physically handicapped and 35 percent for my private use (of which 10
percent of my own share will be given as tithe in accordance with biblical
If you are interested, please contact me immediately so that we can
proceed with arrangements.
Treat this as very urgent
Please reply to the email address
PRIVATE EMAIL:[email protected]
CHURCH EMAIL:[email protected]
Brother ifeanyi eze
Please visit the website below to obtain full information about the
bomb explosion in Nigeria.
[Ovu poruku je menjao Mihailo dana 24.01.2003. u 14:57 GMT] |
[ puky @ 23.01.2003. 23:57 ] @
Vidjeno jos pre nekoliko meseci samo sto je sada ponovo pocelo da bide aktuelno. Tada se bilo navuklo nekoliko ... osoba i tek kasnije kada su ostali bez para na racunima skontana je prevara.
[ Ivan Dimkovic @ 24.01.2003. 00:21 ] @
Ovo je klasican Nigerian Scam - za informaciju, nigerijske prevare odnose par stotina miliona $ godisnje !! Manje-vise su sve slicne, neko je umro/poginuo/... i sad treba da se nekako te pare iznesu iz nigerije.
Ti ljudi su vrlo ozbiljni prevaranti - cak je bilo slucajeva da su dolazili u posetu i pokazivali falsifikovani novac.
Google ce dati veoma opsirne informacije na "nigerian scam"
ja dobijem u proseku jednu ponudu u 10 dana..
[ Ivan Dimkovic @ 24.01.2003. 00:30 ] @
[ broker @ 24.01.2003. 11:03 ] @
Citat: Ivan Dimkovic:
ja dobijem u proseku jednu ponudu u 10 dana..
Sreckovic. Ja dobijem najmanje tri dnevno (razlicite) :(
[ Ivan Dimkovic @ 24.01.2003. 11:05 ] @
Pa ti si "Broker" - tebe vide kao jako dobrog potencijalnog "poslovnog partnera" :-)
[ Mihailo @ 24.01.2003. 12:51 ] @
Pa ti si "Broker" - tebe vide kao jako dobrog potencijalnog "poslovnog partnera" :-)
LOL :)
Evo još malo:
Received: for < [email protected]>
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Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2002 08:51:10 -0800 (PST)
From: leonard okafor < [email protected]>
To: [email protected]
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ATTN:Dear Sir,
I am Col. leonard okafor a Congolese Soldier, and the former Chief Security Officer to President Dr. Laurent Kabila who was assassinated on January 16th 2001.
Before the death of president Kabila, on February 18th, 2000 precisely, president Kabila hand over cash worth $35,000.000.00 (Thirty Five Million US Dollars
to me and Gen. Leonard Nwenza with the Guard commandant who later turned to his killer, since we deposited this money with a security company in one
country in Europe continent which I will tell you upon your acceptance of this offer. Since the assumption of president Kabila’s son as the president commander in
chief of the armed forces Gen. Joseph Kabila, He has set up an enquiry into what actually leads to his fathers death, the Chairman of the Investigation Gen
Nawj Jav and commander of Kinshasha Military Reign has declared some of us wanted for prosecution this incident leads to my running out of Congo to Cotonu in
Benin Republic for my dear life since I left Congo with Gen. Leonard Nwanza whom I trusted so much, we are the only surviving officers who knows the where about of this money after the killing of the guard commandant the third officer that deposited these money with us. Sir it is a pity that I have not seen you in my life before this proposal but I have the confidence that you will be of a good help for us to come for the claim of this money, we are seriously looking for a God fearing man or woman who can assist us to lodge this $35M USD to his/her account preferably Europe or Asia
and America we are the people that deposited this money through a diplomatic channel feel, fill free to transact this business because we are ready to furnish
you with the answer of any question that may arise during this transaction.
Please sir the most important issue in this transaction, I wouldn’t want any exposure to this regards since we have been declared wanted by Gen.Joseph Kabila, we have agreed to give you 20% of this money while we will set aside 10% for any expenses that may occur during this transaction, feel free to reach me though my email address and endeavor to give me your telephone line for easier communication. Please the confidentiality of this transaction is highly needed.
God bless you.
COL. leonard okafor (RTD).
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.
[ puky @ 25.01.2003. 14:27 ] @
Attn: Managing director/CEO
I am the first son of the late Mobutu Sese Seko, the
former President of the Congo Republic.
I am presently under protective custody in South Africa as
a political refugee.
I got your contact during my search for a stranger
that can cooperate with me in this mutual transaction.
I want you to note that this business will benefit
both of us. However, you must confirm your ability to
handle this because it involves a large amount of
money. The money (28 million US DOLLARS is my share of
my father's estate. I boxed and shipped the money to a
security company abroad at the peak of the
war/political crisis that rocked my country few years
ago. Now the crisis has ended and I need a trustworthy
person like you to proceed to the place of the
security company in order to clear the fund and invest
on my behalf as I don’t want my name to be used for
Note that I will send to you the relevant documents
that will enable you take possession of the fund for
onward investment for our mutual benefit. All I need
from you is as follows:
1.A letter of commitment (dully signed) that you will
keep the transaction strictly confidential.
2. Your confirmation of your ability to handle this.
3. Your international passport or driving license
number for identification to the security company.
4. Your telephone and fax numbers for communication.
5. Your full permanent address.
As soon as I get the above information from you, I
will disclose to you the name and the country of the
security company. I will forward your name and
particulars to the security company to enable them
contact you accordingly. I will also send to you a
LETTER OF AUTHORITY to enable you clear the fund on my
behalf. Note that this is a very safe transaction as
this money is my share of my father's estate.
i am waiting for your response to enable us proceed.
[ Borko Savic @ 25.02.2003. 21:32 ] @
ja sam jedina osoba za koju znam da nije dobila ništa iz nigerije... ikada
[ Bogowski @ 05.02.2004. 09:57 ] @
Sta ovi kvazi Nigerijci misle, da smo kao i oni skoro sisli sa drveta. Mislim stvarno nisu normalni. Prica je ovakva. Pre jedno dva meseca stize nafilovana poruka u kojoj je doticna osoba (Niger) pronasla mene (verovatno uz pomoc kompasa i voodoo magije), i kako sam ja naslednik nekih silnih miljuna dolara. Da budem iskren do tada nisam ni znao za NS, ali na srecu sam uhvatio pravi tajming za provaljivanje doticnog,bas u trenutku kada sam trebao da mu posaljem sumu za neki papir o ispravnosti novca. Uporan lik nema sta, zivka me svaki dan od kako sam ga provalio (kako bi objasnio da je sve legalno i sta ti ja znam), pa sam razmisljao da ga spustim nekim onesposobiteljem bita. Stvarno nisu normalni. Mislim da je ovo vec ozbiljna situacija i da bi mozda trebalo da se objavi na drugom Dnevniku RTS-a Sto je najgore lik kao sljaka u nekoj velikoj banci, sta ti ja znam, ali jebiga izgleda je naleteo na zajebanog detlica (nelakovernog).
Inace lik mi poslao sva dokumenta uredno isfalsifikovana i sredjena. Ovi nigeri stvarno nemaju smisla za humor.
Ako je neko slicno zaglavio sa njima posaljite mail da se malo nasmejem
[ srki @ 05.02.2004. 11:21 ] @
Citat: Sta ovi kvazi Nigerijci misle, da smo kao i oni skoro sisli sa drveta. Mislim stvarno nisu normalni.
Naivan si ako mislis da ljudi nisu tako naivni. Rekao je vec Ivan da oni zaradjuju stotine miliona dolara godisnje na ovu foru. Znaci ljudi jesu naivni.
Koju sumu je tebi trazio da mu posaljes? Inace i da si mu poslao posle bi ti trazio jos, sve vise i vise. A par ljudi je njih zajebalo pa su ih naterali da im posalju neku lovu :-)
A inace nema razloga da se to stavi u vesti jer je bilo milion puta do sada. NS postoji barem 4 godine. Inace su neki ljudi isli u Nigeriju i bili ubijeni. Mozes dosta o tome da nadjes na netu.
[ srki @ 05.02.2004. 11:36 ] @
[ Bogowski @ 05.02.2004. 16:30 ] @
Hvala Srki, this is fuckin` organised crime. Meni je lik tazio da mu posaljem $7,500 za nekakav sertifikat o poreklu novca ili sta vec. Nije normalan. Kad sam mu rekao da podelimo ucesce, kao nema para, bla, bla, pa je vremenom odustao. Medjutim skoro sam dobio dva mail sada iz South Africe u kojima likovi traze da doletim u Johanesburg da bi preneli novac na moj racun. Oni stvarno imaju poverenja u mene i neznaju da radim za FBI.
[ boccio @ 05.02.2004. 19:46 ] @
ova tzv. nigerijska prevara stara je brat-bratu koju godinicu. meni takodje stizu ti mejlovi, nista cudno. Pre nekog vremena je bila emisija (preuzeta sa BBC-ja) upravo na ovu temu. To je show nekog tipa koji se ubacivao under cover medju kojekakve bande, prevarante, falsifikatore i sl. Da skratim, u jednoj epizodi je tema bilo upravo ovo. Ono sto je zanimljivo je da ne mozete da verujete koliko ljudi se navuklo na pricu! dakle nije u pitanju 1 ovca ili 2, ljudi su masovno padali, davali im pare, pa jos para, pa jos para da bi posle otprilike cele ustedjevine shvatili (!) da je u pitanju prevara...
the moral of the story: glupi briti :)
[ -zombie- @ 05.02.2004. 19:46 ] @
Citat: Bogowski:
Sta ovi kvazi Nigerijci misle, da smo kao i oni skoro sisli sa drveta.
pa očigledno da što se tebe tiče, nisu daleko.. čim si im ti uopšte odgovorio, i stigao do faze da im daš broj telefona da te zovu..
ti si vrlo očigledan dokaz da ima naivnih (više ili manje)..
[ Ivan Dimkovic @ 05.02.2004. 21:03 ] @
Dutch police arrest 52 email scammers
Dutch police have arrested 52 Nigerian email scammers at 23 locations in Amsterdam in what is believed to be the biggest raid of its kind. Several PCs, mobile phones, false documents and € 50,000 in cash were confiscated. Dutch police believes the criminals sent 100,000 messages to victims in Japan and the USA. More arrests may follow.
The raid is remarkable not just for its size. For the first time Dutch police confirmed close ties between Nigerian email scammers and drug smugglers from the Dutch Antilles.
Wednesday’s crackdown dealt a heavy blow to advance fee fraud in the Netherlands. Last year a Dutch court sentenced five African email swindlers to between 300 days and 4.5 years, after a Swiss lecturer forked over 482,000 dollars in the promise of a $9 million return. The 52 people arrested Wednesday could face similar sentences.
E, ima budala...
[ sspasic @ 05.02.2004. 23:02 ] @
Citat: boccio:
ova tzv. nigerijska prevara stara je brat-bratu koju godinicu
U stvari, koju decenijicu :)
Samo što je pre interneta korišćena obična (bez e) pošta.
[ Bogowski @ 06.02.2004. 14:53 ] @
Citat: -zombie-:
Citat: Bogowski:
Sta ovi kvazi Nigerijci misle, da smo kao i oni skoro sisli sa drveta.
pa očigledno da što se tebe tiče, nisu daleko.. čim si im ti uopšte odgovorio, i stigao do faze da im daš broj telefona da te zovu..
Shaticu ovo kao posalicu :-[
[ srki @ 06.02.2004. 19:36 ] @
Citat: Bogowski:
Hvala Srki, this is fuckin` organised crime.
Itekako je organizovan. Umesana je i Nigerijska vlada i mnogi clanovi vlade su scameri! Nigerija je inace zemlja koja je prosle godine bila prva po korupciji. Sada je valjda druga.
Scam je treca industrija u Nigeriji po novcu koji se vrti. Sa tim su poceli ranih 80-tih (sa obicnim pismima i faksevima) i do sada su ukrali preko 5 milijardi dolara!!!!!
Pogledaj ovaj sajt http://home.rica.net/alphae/419coal/
i sta pise na njemu:
Courtesy of The 419 Coalition
1. NEVER pay anything up front for ANY reason.
2. NEVER extend credit for ANY reason.
3. NEVER do ANYTHING until their check clears.
4. NEVER expect ANY help from the Nigerian Government.
5. NEVER rely on YOUR Government to bail you out.
[ Ivan Dimkovic @ 06.02.2004. 19:46 ] @
133. Bangladesh
132. Nigeria
109. Serbia & Montenegro
:) Nego.. kad ce da pocne Serbian Scam
"Ja sam sin bivseg predsednika..." :)
[ srki @ 06.02.2004. 20:32 ] @
[ Marenović Slaviša @ 30.06.2004. 23:21 ] @
Evo i nastavka price, sa jos jednom promenom...Sada dolazi iz Juzne Afrike.
Dear Sir,
I am Dr. Ekiyoh Martins a native of Cape Town in South
Africa and I am an Executive Accountant with the
South African department of Mining and Natural Resources.
Please accept my apology for using this medium to
convey a transaction/business of this magnitude, but
this is due to the confidentiality and prompt access
reposed on this medium. I have decided to
seek your co-operation in the execution of this deal
described hereunder, for the benefit of all parties
and hoping you will keep it as TOP SECRET because
of the nature of the business.
Within the department of Mining and Natural
Resources (where I work as a director), and with the
cooperation of four other top officials, we have in our
possession as overdue payment bills totaling Fourty Five Million,
Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars (US$45,500,000.00)
which we want to transfer abroad with the assistance
and cooperation of a company/or an individual to
receive the said funds, via a reliable Bank Account.
Quite frankly, we are handicapped as the South
African civil service laws (Code of Conduct Bureau) strongly
prohibits us from owning/or operating a foreign
account hence your importance in this
whole transaction.
This amount (US$45.5M) represents the balance of the
total value of a contract executed on behalf of my
department by a foreign contracting firm which we
the officials (involved) deliberately over-invoiced.
Though the actual cost have been paid to the
original contractor leaving the balance in the tune of the
said amount which we have in principle gotten approval to
remit by Key Tested Telegraphic transfer (K.T.T.) to
any foreign bank account you will provide by filing
an application through the justice ministry here in
South Africa for the transfer of rights and privileges
of the former contractor to you.
I have the authority of my partners involved to
propose that should you be willing to assist us i
this transaction by way of providing the required
account in receiving these funds, your share of the
entire sum will be 30% amounting to Us$13.65Million
of the US$45.5Million, 60% amounting to US$27.3Million
for us and 10% amounting to US$4.55Million will be
used to settle taxation and other miscellaneous
expenses in the course of transferring the funds to your account.
The business itself is 100% foolproof
and safe, as long as you maintain utmost secrecy and
confidentiality. Further more your area of
specialization will not be a hindrance to the
successful completion of this transaction. I have
reposed my confidence in you and hope you will not
disappoint me. Should you be willing to assist
positively with a common goal, endeavor to contact
me immediately through my above email address.
If you are not interested, please also indicate so
that it will enable me to contact other foreign
partner with recommendations to carry out this deal.
I want to assure you that my colleagues and I are in
position to make the payment of this claim possible
provided that you can give us a very concrete
assurance of the safety of our share. Please, always
treat this matter with utmost confidentiality,
because we will not comprehend any form of exposure as we
are still in active government service. Time is of
essence in this business, so kindly act fast.
I await in anticipation your fullest co-operation.
Yours Faithfully,
Neka me neko ispravi ako gresim.
[ Biondinna @ 11.12.2006. 12:16 ] @
Pozdrav svima!
Vidim da je ova tema završila prije 2 godine, ali imam jaku želju da vam ispričam moju pricu. Nema smisla da pejstam pa ću ukratko.
Inače, iznajmljujem smještajne kapacitete na webu kao skoro cijela Dalmacija.
Prije dva mjeseca dobila sam upit na mail od "navodno" Američke katoličke mladeži (Archdiocesan Youth) kako bi došli na mjesec dana njih petorica.
Prvo što sam pomislila-genijalno! Imati cu sobe pune usred zime. Cijena im je ok, sve ide ko podmazano. Njihov spnozor šalje ček koji ja trebam unovčiti. Ja sam im napomenula da bi bilo bolje da mi posalju western unionom, ali kao njihov "sponzor" tako obicava, pa je malo čudnom ali sto ćes, glavno da plate i da lova stigne prije njih... Tjedan dana prije dolaska šalju mi mail da je spnzoru umrla supruga... bla bla God bless her, rip... te da će odgoditi putovanje za mjesec dana i da ce doći 26.11. Sljedeći mail koji sam dobila je euforičan i opisuje koliko su para dobili od sponzora:
Flight from London to Croatia 55x5 275 euros
Contract for transportation and excursions with the agent from London (I think he
has office in your country) =
100 euro everyday x31 = 3100(depends) euros
Gifts for parish priest and the youth organizationfiltered= 100euros
Visit to the less privileged and charity 900euros
Reservation/Miscellaneous 3000euros
Total = 7,375euros
When we arrive we will from the money pay you in full for the reservation, buy gifts
and pay a visit to the local Catholic Church Parish Priest in your area and the
interact with the youth of the Church, and other things which our Chaplain has
instructed us to do which includes visiting the less privileged and donations to
Charities. Of course from the money we will take care of ourselves and our feeding,
and other unforeseen contingencies.
Idemo dalje.....
Tjedan dana prije dolaska su mi posla mail u kojem pitaju da li sam dobila ček, a nisam naravno. Ali im pišem, da dođu, nema problema, ukoliko ne stigne ček u roku od tjedan dana nek idu u Crkvu ili doma.
Ali ček je stigao dva dan od početka rezervacije. trebali su mi poslati cca 1500,00 eura depozita, a ček je glasio na 7.375,00 ojra!!! Ali nije to sve, ček je čudan, nema adrese primatelja, stigao je kao redovna pošta! Pa tko bi to napravio da je riječ o valjanom čeku.
Javila sam im da je ček stigao i na to sam dobila "URGENT" mail da im posaljem 1.500,00 eura westernunionom na adresu u Nigeriji jer su oni tamo "misionari" i ostali su bez love, treba im za avion da bi mogli doći u Hrvatsku.
meni treba barem mjesec dana da unovčim taj ček ako je valjan, znaci oni hoće da im saljem svoje pare jer u najgorem slucaju ja imam ček, pa ako ni ne dodju ja imam 50 000 kn. Ali nismo to napravili, nipošto. Nigerija, no way!
Nakon što smo poslai mail da to ne možemo obaviti gdje sam izmuljala nešto i rekla sam im sorry, your reservation has expirerd i da mi posalju točan iznos, ne zanima me kako, nisam dobila nikavog odgovora.
Eto, sobe su mi prazne ali nema veze, barem ću se odmoriti za Božić
Nije bilo baš ukratko, ali znam da smo mi ljudi pohlepni, danas se sve vrti oko novca i ne bi željla da netko padne na ovakvu foru.
[ tdjokic @ 11.12.2006. 15:22 ] @
Citat: Biondinna: Pozdrav svima!
Vidim da je ova tema završila prije 2 godine, ali imam jaku želju da vam ispričam moju pricu. Smatram da je opravdano sto si nam ispricala ovo i moze da bude vrlo korisno, jer je ovo nesto novo, takoreci nadgradnja na njihove dosadasnje fore. Takodje je i dobar podatak za pocetnike u toj sferi, koji nekad pitaju "O cemu se radi, neko mi nudi milion dolara?" da vide sta im taj neko u sustini nudi - nepostojeci milion, koji ces mu ti platiti nekom "sicom" od hiljadu, dve eura / dolara.
Usput da spomenem jednu od smesnijih epizoda iz te oblasti. Kad se pojavila distribucija Linux sa imenom Ubuntu, koja je deo veceg projekta koji finansira biznismen iz Juznoafricke Unije, Mark Satlvort, na forum te distribucije se javio i neko iz Nigerije i poceo sa prodavanjem magle. Siroma, bas je nasao gde da se javi, na tako savremenom i ostrom forumu, gde te i za beznacajnu gresku "rastrgnu" a kamoli za "nigerisku semu"
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